East Asian Studies
Director: Gordon Chang
Affiliated Faculty and Staff:
Anthropology: Harumi Befu (emeritus), Lisa M. Curran, Miyako Inoue (on leave 2011-12), Matthew Kohrman (on leave Spring 2011-12), Sylvia Yanagisako
Art and Art History: Jean Ma, Melinda Takeuchi, Richard Vinograd, Xiaoze Xie
Biology: Marcus W. Feldman
Business: Hau Lee, Bruce R. McKern, William F. Miller (emeritus), John Roberts, Kenneth Singleton
Center for International Security and Cooperation: Undraa Agvaanluvsan, Chaim Braun
Civil and Environmental Engineering: David Freyberg, Renate Fruchter, Leonard Ortolano
Communications: James Fishkin
Comparative Literature: David Palumbo-Liu
Earth Sciences: Stephan Graham, Rosamond L. Naylor
East Asian Languages and Cultures: Thomas Bartlett, Steven Carter, Richard Dasher, Albert E. Dien (emeritus), Haiyan Lee, Indra Levy, Mark E. Lewis (on leave Spring 2011-12), Li Liu, Yoshiko Matsumoto (on leave Autumn 2011-12), James Reichert, Chao Fen Sun (on leave 2011-12), Melinda Takeuchi, Ban Wang (on leave Autumn 2011-12), John C. Y. Wang (emeritus), Yiqun Zhou (on leave 2011-12)
East Asian Studies: Karen Eggleston, Scott Rozelle (on leave), David Cheng Chang (postdoctoral fellow)
Economics: Ronald McKinnon (emeritus)
Education: Jennifer Adams, Anthony L. Antonio, Martin Carnoy, Francisco Ramirez, Christine M. Wotipka
Electrical Engineering: Richard Dasher
Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies: Thomas Fingar
History: Gordon Chang (on leave Spring 2011-12), Mark E. Lewis (on leave Spring 2011-12), Mark Mancall, Yumi Moon (on leave 2011-12), Thomas Mullaney, Matthew Sommer, Jun Uchida (on leave 2011-12), Lyman P. Van Slyke (emeritus), Kären Wigen
Ho Center for Buddhist Studies: Tenzin Tethong
Hoover Institution: Richard Allen, Larry Diamond, Thomas Henriksen, Alex Inkeles, Tai-Chun Kuo, Hsiao-ting Lin, Alice L. Miller, Robert Myers, Toshio Nishi, Mark Peattie, William Perry, Alvin Rabushka, William Ratliff, Henry Rowen, Charles Wolf Jr.
Human Biology: Arthur P. Wolf
Law: Eric Feldman, Thomas Heller, Erik Jenson
Linguistics: Dan Jurafsky
Management Science and Engineering: Siegfried S. Hecker, Edison Tse, Yinyu Ye
Materials Science and Engineering: Pamela Hinds, Robert Sinclair
Medicine: Scott W. Atlas, Joseph Helms, David Katzenstein, Samuel LeBaron
Music: Jingdong Cai, Jaroslaw Kapuscinski, Stephen Sano, Linda Uyechi, Daisy You
Political Science: Masahiko Aoki (emeritus), Phillip Lipscy, Jean C. Oi
Religious Studies: Carl Bielefeldt, Megan Bryson, Robert Gimello, Paul Harrison, Irene Lin, Christian Luczanits
Shorenstein APARC: Michael Armacost, Rafiq Dossani, Karen N. Eggleston, Donald K. Emmerson, Scott Rozelle (on leave)
Sociology: Gi-Wook Shin, Andrew Walder, Xueguang Zhou
Stanford Language Center: Kazuko M. Busbin, Yin Chuang, Marina Chung, Robert Clark, Sik Lee Dennig, Michelle DiBello, Hee-sun Kim, Nina Lin, Hisayo O. Lipton, Momoyo Kubo Lowdermilk, Emiko Yasumoto Magnani, Kiyomi Nakamura, Hua Qian, Yu-hwa Liao Rozelle, Yoshiko Tomiyama, Huazhi Wang, Hong Zeng, Youping Zhang, Qi Zhu
Center Offices: 615 Crothers Way, 100 Encina Commons
Mail Code: 6023
Phone: (650) 736-1759, 723-3362; fax: (650) 725-3350
Web Site: http://ceas.stanford.edu
The Center for East Asian Studies (CEAS) coordinates University instructional, research, and special activities related to China, Japan, and Korea. Faculty and students who share a common interest in the study of East Asia are brought together by the center from a broad range of academic concerns covering nearly every discipline and historical period. CEAS is part of the Division of International Comparative and Area Studies in the School of Humanities and Sciences.
Courses offered by the Center for East Asian Studies are listed under the subject code EASTASN on the Stanford Bulletin's ExploreCourses web site.
The EASTASN courses listed on ExploreCourses deal primarily with China, Japan, and/or Korea. Literature courses are listed with the subject codes of CHINGEN, CHINLIT, JAPANGEN, and JAPANLIT on ExploreCourses. Many other theoretical and methodological courses within departments at Stanford are taught by faculty who are East Asian specialists; these courses often have a substantial East Asian component and a list of current applicable courses from outside departments may be found in the "Master of Arts in East Asian Studies" section of this bulletin. For courses in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean language instruction use the subject codes CHINLANG, JAPANLNG, and KORLANG. For courses in Classical Chinese, search under the subject code CHINLIT.
Undergraduate Programs in East Asian Studies
Undergraduates interested in East Asia can become involved by attending CEAS events, taking courses in the subject codes listed above, or earning a Minor or Bachelor of Arts degree in East Asian Studies. These undergraduate degrees in East Asian Studies are now administered by the Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures. The Bing Overseas Study Program also offers study abroad opportunities and internships in East Asia.
For language study, CEAS provides undergraduate fellowships for language study in China, Japan, or Korea; students must simultaneously apply to a pre-approved language program abroad. Applications are due in February each year. Deadlines and application information can be found on the CEAS web site. In addition, undergraduates can obtain a coterminal M.A. degree in East Asian Studies while concurrently working on their undergraduate major by applying during the regular admissions cycle no later than their senior year.
Graduate Programs in East Asian Studies
The M.A. program in East Asian Studies is designed both for students who plan to complete a Ph.D. but who have not yet decided on the particular discipline in which they prefer to work, and for students who wish to gain a background in East Asian Studies in connection with a career in nonacademic fields such as business, law, education, journalism, or government service. Students interested in pursuing professional careers are encouraged to plan for additional training through internships or graduate professional programs, in conjunction with obtaining an M.A. in East Asian Studies.
Stanford does not offer a Ph.D. in East Asian Studies. However, there are more than 100 doctoral students with a specialization on China, Korea, or Japan within various departments and schools of the University. The departments that offer an East Asian concentration are Anthropology, Art and Art History, Comparative Literature, Earth Sciences, East Asian Languages and Cultures, Economics, Education, History, Human Biology, Linguistics, Music, Political Science, Religious Studies, and Sociology. It is also possible to specialize in East Asia within some of the doctoral programs of the professional schools of Business, Education, and Law. Inquiries should be directed to the individual department or school concerned.
The Center for East Asian Studies offers postdoctoral fellowships in Chinese Studies each year. Postdoctoral fellowships in other areas are also available from the Freeman-Spogli Institute of International Studies and the Walter H. Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center.
Students in graduate programs who plan to do work in Chinese, Japanese, or Korean language and area studies courses, may be eligible for Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) fellowships and are encouraged to apply for them at the time of application to Stanford. Recipients of FLAS fellowships must be American citizens or permanent residents. For further information, see http://ceas.stanford.edu/students/fellowships.php.