Minor in Science, Technology, and Society
Students planning careers in many technical and non-technical fields, including business, education, engineering, science, law, medicine, and public affairs, are faced with important STS issues in their professional practice. Therefore, a minor in STS is likely to prove practically valuable as well as intellectually stimulating.
RequirementsThe STS minor requires completion of six courses satisfying the following requirements:
- Interdisciplinary Foundational Course: STS 101 or 101Q
- Disciplinary Analyses: five courses, with one in each area, and at least two of which must be upper-level (targeted primarily at juniors and seniors)
- Philosophical/Ethical/Aesthetic Perspectives: STS 110, 112, 114, 210; ARTHIST 158A; COMM 131, 137W; CS 181; ENGLISH 176; ME 120, 214/314; PHIL 60, 163H
- Historical Perspectives: ARTHIST 158A; CEE 64; CLASSGEN 123, 133; EARTHSYS 145; ECON 116, 226; HISTORY 31/131, 40/140, 41A/141A, 130A, 140A, 208A, 242G, 243G; ME 120; PHIL 163H; POLISCI 116
- Social Science Perspectives: STS 190; AA 116N; ANTHRO 82, 180; COMM 1B, 108, 120, 166, 168, 169, 172, 182; COMPMED 87Q; EARTHSYS 57Q, 111, 173, 184; ECON 113, 224, 225; EDUC 358X; ENGR 110; HUMBIO 175; MS&E 181, 185, 189, 193; POLISCI 114S, 122; PUBLPOL 194; SOC 114, 160, 161
All courses taken to satisfy STS minor requirements must be taken for a letter grade where available. Courses should be chosen so as to realize a measure of intellectual coherence and interrelatedness. Students wishing to use a course not listed above to satisfy one of the requirements for a minor in STS may petition to do so. See the STS undergraduate adviser for details.