Bachelor of Science in Civil and Environmental Engineering
The B.S. in Civil Engineering and the B.S. in Environmental Engineering are ABET accredited programs, which place high priority on integrating research with engineering education. Four major objectives structure both degree programs:
- To provide an understanding of engineering principles and the analytical, problem solving, design, and communication skills to continue succeeding and learning in diverse careers.
- To prepare for successful engineering practice with a longer term perspective that takes into account new tools such as advanced information technology and biotechnology, and increasingly complex professional and societal expectations.
- To prepare for possible graduate study in engineering or other professional fields.
- To develop the awareness, background, and skills necessary to become responsible citizens and leaders in service to society.
Students who major in Civil Engineering or in Environmental Engineering must complete the appropriate requirements for the B.S. degree listed. Each student has elective units, which may be used in any way the student desires, including additional studies in Civil and Environmental Engineering or any other school or department in the University. Because the undergraduate engineering curriculum provides breadth of study, students who intend to enter professional practice in civil or environmental engineering should plan to obtain their professional education at the graduate level.
A number of undergraduate programs at Stanford may be of interest to students seeking to specialize in environmental studies. In addition to the two majors offered in the department, students should examine related programs such as Earth Systems, Geological and Environmental Sciences, Urban Studies, and Human Biology.
This program leads to a B.S. with honors for undergraduates majoring in Civil Engineering or in Environmental Engineering. It is designed to encourage qualified students to undertake a more intensive study of civil and environmental engineering than is required for the normal majors through a substantial, independent research project.
The program involves an in-depth research study in an area proposed to and agreed to by a Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering faculty adviser and completion of a thesis of high quality. A written proposal for the research to be undertaken must be submitted and approved by the faculty advisor in the fourth quarter prior to graduation. At the time of application, the student must have an overall grade point average (GPA) of at least 3.3 for course work at Stanford; this GPA must be maintained to graduation. The thesis is supervised by a CEE faculty adviser and must involve input from the School of Engineering writing program by means of ENGR 202S or its equivalent. The written thesis must be approved by the thesis adviser. Students are encouraged to present their results in a seminar for faculty and students. Up to 10 units of CEE 199H, Undergraduate Honors Research in Civil and Environmental Engineering, may be taken to support the research and writing (not to duplicate ENGR 202S). These units are beyond the normal Civil Engineering or Environmental Engineering major program requirements.