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Thematic Concentration in Identity, Diversity and Aesthetics (IDA)

Students in any major in the Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity undergraduate program can choose a concentration in Identity, Diversity and Aesthetics (IDA). The concentration is not declared on Axess; it does not appear on the transcript or diploma. Students interested in IDA should contact the CSRE undergraduate program office.

A minimum of 60 units is required for the thematic concentration in IDA. Students take two of the CSRE core courses (10 units), and an IDA course which must focus on the arts. In addition, CSRE 200X: Senior Seminar (WIM) is required of students in the IDA concentration and is taken in Autumn Quarter of the senior year. As a capstone experience, majors must write an honors thesis or senior paper.

IDA concentration students must also complete a senior project. Possible senior projects include a stage production, CD, or arts workshop curriculum in a community setting. Students who elect to write an honors thesis may incorporate their project as the basis for their thesis.

In addition to the core curriculum, students complete 40 units drawing from new and existing courses in departments and programs such as Art and Art History, Music, Drama, Comparative Literature, African and African American Studies, Asian American Studies, Chicana/o Studies, Comparative Studies, and Native American Studies. Thematic courses may focus on performance, visual aesthetics, writing for performance, critical studies in art and performance, and critical arts theory.

Students may find the following courses useful in fulfilling requirements in the Identity, Diversity and Aesthetics (IDA) concentration.

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