Discontinuation and Reinstatement
A student's academic degree program may be discontinued if the student:
- fails to be enrolled by the study list deadline; or
- fails to be approved for a leave of absence by the start of the term; or
- voluntarily terminates graduate studies; or
- is dismissed from graduate studies for academic reasons; or
- is expelled from the University.
Students who fail to be either enrolled by the final study list deadline or approved for a leave of absence by the start of a term or after a voluntary withdrawal are required to apply for reinstatement through the Graduate Admissions office before they can return to the same degree program. Students whose master's program or doctoral candidacy has expired must petition to have extensions of their programs or candidacy approved by their departments before reinstatement may be approved.
The decision to approve or deny reinstatement is made by the student's department or program. Departments are not obliged to approve reinstatements of students. Reinstatement decisions are made at the discretion of the department or the program and may be based on the applicant's academic status when last enrolled, activities while away from campus, the length of the absence, the perceived potential for successful completion of the program, and the ability of the department to support the student both academically and financially, as well as any other factors or considerations regarded as relevant by the department or program.
Reinstatement information is available from the Graduate Admissions office. A fee is required. Reinstatement applications must be submitted prior to the first day of the term for which re-enrollment is requested if the student is registering for courses.
In the circumstance where a student who had been dismissed for academic reasons wishes to return to the same degree program, and where reinstatement was not precluded at the time of the dismissal, the student should request reinstatement as described above. In this circumstance, the degree program may review such relevant information as course work completed elsewhere or any other factors deemed to be appropriate for consideration.
Conditions for reinstatement may be established at the discretion of the program. The decision to approve or deny reinstatement is made by the department or program to which the student is seeking reinstatement. In addition, the department or program retains the right to condition reinstatement on suchacademic conditions as it deems appropriate.
Students who have been expelled from Stanford University are not permitted to apply for reinstatement.