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Ph.D. Minor in Linguistics

  1. Courses: the candidate must complete 30 units of course work in linguistics. The University requires that at least 20 of these units be at the 200 level or above; the remaining 10 units must be at the 100 level or above. The course work for the minor must include LINGUIST 110, 120, and either 130A or 130B or 200-level introductory courses in the same areas and at least three courses related to the area of specialization. Courses submitted for the minor must be incremental units beyond those used to satisfy the major. Individual programs should be worked out in advance with the student's Ph.D. minor adviser in Linguistics.
  2. Research Project (optional): the candidate may elect to present a paper which integrates the subject matter of linguistics into the field of specialization of the candidate.
  3. The Linguistics minor adviser or designee serves on the candidate's University oral examination committee and may request that up to one-third of the examination be devoted to the minor subject.

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