Explore Degrees, 2011-12
 Nondiscrimination Policy
 Fundamental Standard
 Honor Code
 Current Information and Accuracy Statement
 Registrar's Office
 Academic Calendar 2011-12
 Stanford's Mission
 University Governance and Organization
 The Board of Trustees
 Executive Officers
 The President
 Committees and Panels Appointed by the President
 The Provost
 Schools of the University
 The Academic Council
 Committees of the Academic Council
 Associated Students of Stanford University (ASSU)
 Admission and Financial Aid
 Undergraduate Admission
 Graduate Admission
 Nonmatriculated Study (Graduate Students)
 Postdoctoral Scholars
 Visiting Student Researchers
 Students of New Faculty
 Honors Cooperative Program
 Holds and Rescission
 Undergraduate Financial Aid
 Undergraduate Financial Aid Application and Award Notification Process
 Graduate Financial Aid
 Fellowships and Assistantships
 Student Loans (Graduate Students)
 Coterminal Student Financial Aid
 Veterans' Educational Benefits
 Tuition, Fees, and Housing
 Undergraduate Tuition
 Graduate Student Tuition
 International Students
 Application Fee
 ASSU Fees
 Document Fee
 Campus Health Service Fee
 Health Insurance
 Special Fees
 Meal Plans
 Undergraduate Residences
 Graduate Residences
 Community Housing
 Transfer Work
 Undergraduate Transfer Work
 Graduate Residency Transfer Credit
 Undergraduate Degrees and Programs
 Degree Programs
 Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Bachelor of Science (B.S.)
 Bachelor of Arts and Science (B.A.S.)
 Dual Bachelor's Degrees (Concurrent B.A. and B.S.)
 Second Bachelor's Degree
 Coterminal Bachelor's and Master's Degrees
 Degree Requirements
 General Education Requirements
 Language Requirement
 Writing and Rhetoric Requirement
 Advanced Placement
 AP Scores and Placement
 Activity Courses
 Courses Taken on Satisfactory/No Credit or Credit/No Credit Basis
 Internship Guidelines
 Undergraduate Transfer Work
 Last Units out of Residence
 Concurrent Enrollment
 The Major
 Undergraduate Major Unit Requirements
 Multiple Majors
 Secondary Major
 Undergraduate Minor
 Baccalaureate Honors
 Special Registration Statuses (Undergraduate)
 Minimum Progress for Undergraduates
 Conferral of Degrees
 Graduate Degrees
 General Requirements
 Enrollment Requirements
 Leaves of Absence (Graduate)
 Discontinuation and Reinstatement
 Childbirth Accommodation Policy
 Residency Policy for Graduate Students
 University Minimum Residency Requirements for Graduate Degrees
 Coterminal Programs Residency Requirement
 Graduate Residency Transfer Credit
 Joint Degree Programs
 Graduate Units Requirements
 Minimum Progress Requirements for Graduate Students
 Guidelines for Dismissal of Graduate Students for Academic Reasons
 Terminal Graduate Registration (TGR)
 Graduate Tuition Adjustment
 Graduation Quarter Status
 Conferral of Degrees
 Changes of Degree Programs
 Degree-Specific Requirements
 Master of Arts and Master of Science
 Master�s Program Proposal
 Time Limit for Completion of the Master�s Degree
 Master in Public Policy
 Master of Business Administration
 Master of Fine Arts
 Master of Liberal Arts
 Master of Legal Studies
 Master of Laws
 Master of the Science of Law
 Doctor of Jurisprudence
 Doctor of the Science of Law
 Doctor of Musical Arts
 Doctor of Medicine
 Doctor of Philosophy
 Time Limit for Completion of a Degree with Candidacy
 Teaching and Research Requirements
 Foreign Language Requirement
 University Oral Examination
 Doctoral Dissertation Reading Committee
 Ph.D. Minor
 Advising and Credentials
 Academic Policies and Statements
 Registration and Study Lists
 Study List Changes
 Repeated Courses
 Amount of Work
 Unit of Credit
 Religious Holidays
 Leaves of Absence and Reinstatement (Undergraduate)
 Certification of Enrollment or Degrees
 Privacy of Students Records
 Notification of Rights Under FERPA
 Sharing Information with Parents
 Directory Information
 Consent to Use of Photographic Images
 Stanford University ID Number
 Identification Cards
 End-Quarter Policy Statement
 End-Quarter Examinations
 Statement Concerning Early Examinations
 Grading Systems
 Definition and Explanation of Grading Systems
 Reporting of Grades
 Revision of End-Quarter Grades
 Graduate School of Business Grades
 Stanford Law School Grades
 School of Medicine Grades
 Academic Standing
 Provisional Registration
 Returning from Suspension
 Notification (Academic Standing)
 Student Academic Grievance Procedure
 Undergraduate Education
 Stanford Introductory Studies
 Introduction to the Humanities Program
 Program in Writing and Rhetoric
 Writing and Rhetoric 2 Requirement
 Hume Writing Center
 PWR Pedagogy Program
 Peer Writing Consultants
 Structured Liberal Education
 Introductory Seminars
 September Studies
 Sophomore College
 Arts Intensive
 Bing Honors College
 Freshman-Sophomore College
 Bing Overseas Studies Program
 Undergraduate Advising and Research
 Scholarships and Fellowships, and Post-Baccalaureate Studies
 Undergraduate Research
 Student Grant Programs
 Departmental and Faculty Sponsored Research Opportunities
 Center for Teaching and Learning
 CTL Services to Undergraduates and Graduate Students
 CTL Services to Faculty, Lecturers, and Teaching Assistants
 Oral Communication Program
 Graduate Education
 Graduate Policy
 Honor Code and Fundamental Standard
 Research Policies for Graduate Students
 Graduate Fellowship Programs
 Stanford Graduate Fellowships Program in Science and Engineering (SGF)
 Stanford Interdisciplinary Graduate Fellowships (SIGF)
 Graduate Student Diversity
 Cross-School Learning Opportunities
 Stanford Graduate Summer Institute (SGSI)
 Graduate School of Business
 School of Earth Sciences
 Undergraduate Programs in Earth Sciences
 Coterminal Bachelor's and Master's Degrees in Earth Sciences
 Graduate Programs in Earth Sciences
 Earth, Energy, and Environmental Sciences Graduate Program (EEES)
 Master of Science in Earth, Energy, and Environmental Sciences
 Doctor of Philosophy in Earth, Energy, and Environmental Sciences
 Earth Systems
 Bachelor of Science in Earth Systems
 Coterminal B.S. and M.S. Degrees in Earth Systems
 Overseas Studies Courses in Earth Systems
 Emmett Interdisiplinary Program in Environment and Resources (E-IPER)
 Master of Science in Environment and Resources
 Doctor of Philosophy in Environment and Resources
 Energy Resources Engineering
 Bachelor of Science in Energy Resources Engineering
 Minor in Energy Resources Engineering
 Coterminal B.S. and M.S. Program in Energy Resources Engineering
 Graduate Programs in Energy Resources Engineering
 Master of Science in Petroleum Engineering
 Master of Science in Energy Resources Engineering
 Engineer in Petroleum Engineering or Energy Resources Engineering
 Doctor of Philosophy in Petroleum Engineering or Energy Resources Engineering
 Ph.D. Minor in Petroleum Engineering or Energy Resources Engineering
 Environmental Earth System Science
 Master of Science in Environmental Earth System Science
 Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Earth System Science
 Geological and Environmental Sciences
 Bachelor of Science in Geological and Environmental Sciences
 Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology Undergraduate Specialized Curriculum
 Minor in Geological and Environmental Sciences
 Coterminal B.S. and M.S. Degrees in Geological and Environmental Sciences
 Graduate Programs in Geological and Environmental Sciences
 Master of Science in Geological and Environmental Sciences
 Engineer Degree in Geological and Environmental Sciences
 Doctor of Philosophy in Geological and Environmental Sciences
 Ph.D. Minor in Geological and Environmental Sciences
 Bachelor of Science in Geophysics
 Minor in Geophysics
 Coterminal B.S./M.S. Program in Geophysics
 Master of Science in Geophysics
 Doctor of Philosophy in Geophysics
 School of Education
 Honors Program in Education (Undergraduate)
 Minor in Education (Undergraduate)
 Coterminal Bachelor's and Master's Program in Education
 Master of Arts in Education
 Stanford Teacher Education Program (STEP)
 Doctoral Degrees in Education
 Ph.D. Minor in Education
 School of Engineering
 Undergraduate Programs in the School of Engineering
 Bachelor of Science in the School of Engineering
 Bachelor of Arts and Science (B.A.S.) in the School of Engineering
 Minor in the School of Engineering
 Aeronautics and Astronautics (AA) Minor
 Chemical Engineering (CHE) Minor
 Civil Engineering (CE) Minor
 Computer Science (CS) Minor
 Electrical Engineering (EE) Minor
 Environmental Engineering (ENV) Minor
 Management Science and Engineering (MS&E) Minor
 Materials Science and Engineering (MATSCI) Minor
 Mechanical Engineering (ME) Minor
 Aeronautics and Astronautics (AA)
 Architectural Design (AD)
 Atmosphere/Energy (A/E)
 Bioengineering (BioE)
 Biomechanical Engineering (BME)
 Biomedical Computation (BMC)
 Chemical Engineering (CHE)
 Civil Engineering (CE)
 Computer Science (CS)
 Electrical Engineering (EE)
 Engineering Physics (EPHYS)
 Environmental Engineering (ENV)
 Individually Designed Majors in Engineering (IDMENS)
 Management Science and Engineering (MS&E)
 Materials Science and Engineering (MATSCI)
 Mechanical Engineering (ME)
 Product Design (PD)
 Graduate Programs in the School of Engineering
 Curricula in the School of Engineering
 Master of Science in the School of Engineering
 Engineer in the School of Engineering
 Doctor of Philosophy in the School of Engineering
 Honors Cooperative Program
 Overseas Studies Courses in Engineering
 Aeronautics and Astronautics
 Bachelor of Science in Engineering (Aeronautics and Astronautics)
 Coterminal Degrees Program in Aeronautics and Astronautics
 Master of Science in Aeronautics and Astronautics
 Master of Science in Engineering (AA)
 Engineer in Aeronautics and Astronautics
 Doctor of Philosophy in Aeronautics and Astronautics
 Ph.D. Minor in Aeronautics and Astronautics
 Bachelor of Science in Engineering (Bioengineering)
 Coterminal B.S./M.S. Program in Bioengineering
 Master of Science in Bioengineering
 Doctor of Philosophy in Bioengineering
 Ph.D. Minor in Bioengineering
 M.D./Ph.D. Dual Degree Program
 Joint Degree Programs in Bioengineering and the School of Law
 Chemical Engineering
 Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering
 Coterminal Bachelor's and Master's Degrees in Chemical Engineering
 Master of Science in Chemical Engineering
 Engineer in Chemical Engineering
 Doctor of Philosophy in Chemical Engineering
 Ph.D. Minor in Chemical Engineering
 Civil and Environmental Engineering
 Bachelor of Science in Civil and Environmental Engineering
 Minor in Civil Engineering or Environmental Engineering
 Programs of Graduate Study in Civil and Environmental Engineering
 Coterminal B.S./M.S. Program in Civil and Environmental Engineering
 Master of Science in Civil and Environmental Engineering
 Engineer in Civil and Environmental Engineering
 Doctor of Philosophy in Civil and Environmental Engineering
 Ph.D. Minor in Civil and Environmental Engineering
 Overseas Studies Courses in Civil and Environmental Engineering
 Institute for Computational and Mathematical Engineering
 Master of Science in Computational and Mathematical Engineering
 Doctor of Philosophy in Computational and Mathematical Engineering
 Ph.D. Minor in Computational and Mathematical Engineering
 Computer Science
 Computer Science Course Catalog Numbering System
 Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
 Master of Science in Computer Science
 Joint M.S. and Law Degree
 Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science
 Ph.D. Minor in Computer Science
 Teaching and Research Assistantships in Computer Science
 Overseas Studies Courses in Computer Science
 Electrical Engineering
 Electrical Engineering Course Catalog Numbering System
 Master of Science in Electrical Engineering
 Engineer Degree in Electrical Engineering
 Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical Engineering
 Ph.D. Minor in Electrical Engineering
 Areas of Research in Electrical Engineering
 Overseas Studies Courses in Electrical Engineering
 Management Science and Engineering
 Bachelor of Science in Management Science and Engineering
 Master of Science in Management Science and Engineering
 Joint MS&E and Law Degrees
 Doctor of Philosophy in Management Science and Engineering
 Ph.D. Minor in Management Science and Engineering
 Materials Science and Engineering
 Bachelor of Science in Materials Science and Engineering
 Coterminal B.S./M.S. Program in Materials Science and Engineering
 Master of Science in Materials Science Engineering
 Engineer in Materials Science Engineering
 Doctor of Philosophy in Materials Science Engineering
 Ph.D. Minor in Materials Science and Engineering
 Mechanical Engineering
 Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering
 Coterminal B.S./M.S. Program in Mechanical Engineering
 Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering
 Master of Science in Engineering, Biomechanical Engineering
 Master of Science in Engineering, Product Design
 Engineer in Mechanical Engineering
 Doctor of Philosophy in Mechanical Engineering
 Ph.D. Minor in Mechanical Engineering
 Mechanical Engineering Course Catalog Numbering System
 School of Humanities and Sciences
 African and African American Studies
 Bachelor of Arts in African and African American Studies
 Minor in African and African American Studies
 Overseas Studies Courses in African and African American Studies
 African Studies
 Minor in African Studies
 Coterminal Bachelor's and Master of Arts in African Studies
 Overseas Studies Courses in African Studies
 American Studies
 Bachelor of Arts in American Studies
 Minor in American Studies
 Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology
 Field School and Research Opportunities in Anthropology
 Minor in Anthropology
 Coterminal Bachelor's and Master's Degrees in Anthropology
 Master of Arts in Anthropology
 Doctor of Philosophy in Anthropology
 Ph.D. Minor in Anthropology
 Overseas Studies Courses in Anthropology
 Applied Physics
 Master of Science in Applied Physics
 Doctor of Philosophy in Applied Physics
 Bachelor of Arts in Archaeology
 Minor in Archaeology
 Overseas Studies Courses in Archaeology
 Art and Art History
 Art History
 Bachelor of Arts in Art History
 Minor in Art History
 Master of Arts in Art History
 Doctor of Philosophy in Art History
 Ph.D. Minor in Art History
 Art Practice (Studio)
 Bachelor of Arts in Art Practice (Studio)
 Minor in Art Practice (Studio)
 Master of Fine Arts in Art Practice (Studio)
 Master of Fine Arts in Design
 Film and Media Studies
 Bachelor of Arts in Film and Media Studies
 Minor in Film and Media Studies
 Master of Fine Arts in Documentary Film and Video
 Art History and Film Studies Course Catalog Numbering System
 Overseas Studies Courses in Art and Art History
 Astronomy Cognate Courses
 Athletics, Physical Education, and Recreation
 Bachelor of Science in Biology
 Minor in Biology
 Master of Science in Biology
 Doctor of Philosophy in Biology
 Overseas Studies Courses in Biology
 Biology Course Numbering System
 Biology, Hopkins Marine Station
 Graduate Program in Biophysics
 Bachelor of Science in Chemistry
 Minor in Chemistry
 Master of Science in Chemistry
 Ph.D. Minor in Chemistry
 Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry
 Chemistry Courses
 Bachelor of Arts in Classics
 Minor in Classics
 Master of Arts in Classics
 Doctor of Philosophy in Classics
 Ph.D. Minor in Classics
 Overseas Studies Courses in Classics
 Bachelor of Arts in Communication
 Minor in Communication
 Media Studies Coterminal Master's Program
 Master of Arts in Communication
 Doctor of Philosophy in Communication
 Ph.D. Minor in Communication
 Overseas Studies Courses in Communication
 Comparative Literature
 Comparative Literature Course Catalog Numbering System
 Bachelor of Arts in Comparative Literature
 Minors in Comparative Literature
 Doctor of Philosophy in Comparative Literature
 Ph.D. Minor in Comparative Literature
 Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity (CSRE)
 African and African American Studies (AAAS)
 Honors Program in Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity
 Asian American Studies
 Chicana/o Studies
 Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity
 Taube Center for Jewish Studies
 Native American Studies
 Thematic Concentration in American Diversity
 Thematic Concentration in Education, Access, and Equity
 Thematic Concentration in Identity, Diversity and Aesthetics (IDA)
 Thematic Concentration in Public Service
 Thematic Concentration in Race and Health
 Thematic Concentration in Race and the American City
 Bachelor of Arts in Drama
 Minor in Drama
 Doctor of Philosophy in Drama
 Institute for Diversity in the Arts and Black Performing Arts Division
 Dance Division
 Minor in Drama with Dance Concentration
 Overseas Studies Courses in Drama
 East Asian Languages and Cultures
 Bachelor of Arts Programs in East Asian Languages and Cultures
 Minors in East Asian Languages and Cultures
 Coterminal B.A. and M.A. Programs in East Asian Languages and Cultures
 Master of Arts Programs in East Asian Languages and Cultures
 Doctor of Philosophy Programs in East Asian Languages and Cultures
 Ph.D. Minor in East Asian Languages and Cultures
 Overseas Studies in East Asian Languages and Cultures
 East Asian Studies
 Coterminal Bachelor's and Master's Program in East Asian Studies
 Master of Arts in East Asian Studies
 Joint and Dual Degree Programs in East Asian Studies
 Bachelor of Arts in Economics
 Minor in Economics
 Master of Arts in Economics
 Doctor of Philosophy in Economics
 Ph.D. Minor in Economics
 Joint Degree Program in Ph.D. in Economics and Master of Public Policy
 Joint Degree Programs in Economics with the School of Law
 Overseas Studies Courses in Economics
 Bachelor of Arts in English
 Minor in English or in Creative Writing
 Master of Arts in English
 Doctor of Philosophy in English
 Overseas Studies Courses in English
 Ethics in Society Program
 Honors in Ethics in Society
 Minor in Ethics in Society
 Feminist Studies
 Bachelor of Arts in Feminist Studies
 Minor in Feminist Studies
 Overseas Studies Courses in Feminist Studies
 Financial Mathematics
 Master of Science in Financial Mathematics
 French and Italian
 Bachelor of Arts in French
 Bachelor of Arts in Italian
 Minor in Modern Languages
 Coterminal Bachelor's and Master's Program in French or Italian
 Master of Arts in French
 Doctor of Philosophy in French
 Doctor of Philosophy in Italian
 Doctor of Philosophy in French and Italian
 Ph.D. Minor in French or Italian
 Overseas Studies Courses in French and Italian
 German Studies
 Bachelor of Arts in German Studies
 Minor in German Studies
 Master of Arts in German Studies
 Doctor of Philosophy in German Studies
 Overseas Studies Courses in German Studies
 History Course Catalog Numbering System
 Bachelor of Arts in History
 General History Track
 Global Affairs and World History Track
 History Tracks with Interdisciplinary Emphasis (HMIE)
 History, Literature, and the Arts
 History of Science, and Medicine
 History and Law
 Public History/Public Service
 History Secondary Teacher's Credential
 Minor in History
 Coterminal B.A. and M.A. Program in History
 Master of Arts in History
 Doctor of Philosophy in History
 Ph.D. Minor in History
 Overseas Studies Courses in History
 History and Philosophy of Science and Technology
 Overseas Studies Courses in History and Philosophy of Science and Technology
 Human Biology
 Bachelor of Arts in Human Biology
 Minor in Human Biology
 Storey House
 Overseas Studies Courses in Human Biology
 Iberian and Latin American Cultures
 Bachelor of Arts in Iberian and Latin American Cultures
 Minors in Spanish and Portuguese
 Study Abroad Programs in Iberian and Latin American Cultures
 Master of Arts in Iberian and Latin American Cultures
 Doctor of Philosophy in Iberian and Latin American Cultures
 Ph.D. Minor in Iberian and Latin American Cultures
 Iberian and Latin American Cultures Course Catalog Numbering System
 Overseas Studies Courses in Iberian and Latin American Studies
 Individually Designed Majors and Individually Designed Honors Program in Humanities
 Division of International, Comparative and Area Studies
 Center for African Studies
 Center for East Asian Studies
 The Europe Center
 Center for Latin American Studies
 Center for Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies
 Center for South Asia
 Ford Dorsey Program In International Policy Studies
 France-Stanford Center For Interdisciplinary Studies
 Hamid and Christina Moghadam Program In Iranian Studies
 Mediterranean Studies Forum
 Program in International Relations
 Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Center for Buddhist Studies at Stanford University
 Sohaib and Sara Abbasi Program in Islamic Studies
 Taube Center For Jewish Studies
 International Policy Studies
 Master of Arts in International Policy Studies
 International Relations
 Bachelor of Arts in International Relations
 Minor in International Relations
 Overseas Studies Courses in International Relations
 Jewish Studies
 Individually Designed Major in Jewish Studies
 Minor in Jewish Studies
 Language Center
 Proficiency in Foreign Language Notation
 Minor in Middle Eastern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
 Special Language Program
 African and Middle Eastern Languages and Literatures Program
 Overseas Studies Courses in the Language Center
 Latin American Studies
 Minor in Latin American Studies
 Honors in Latin American Studies
 Coterminal Bachelor's and Master's Degrees in Latin American Studies
 Master of Arts in Latin American Studies
 Latin American Studies Cognate Courses
 Overseas Studies Courses in Latin American Studies
 Linguistics Course Catalog Numbering System
 Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics
 Minor in Linguistics
 Coterminal Bachelor's and Master's Degree Program in LInguistics
 Master of Arts in Linguistics
 Doctor of Philosophy in Linguistics
 Ph.D. Minor in Linguistics
 Overseas Studies Courses in Linguistics
 Division of Literatures, Cultures, and Languages
 Minor in Modern Languages
 Focal Groups
 Humanities Education
 Philosophy and Literature
 Workshop in Poetics
 Mathematical and Computational Science
 Bachelor of Science in Mathematical and Computational Science
 Mathematical and Computational Science Electives (9 Units)
 Mathematical and Computational Science Biology Option
 Mathematical and Computational Science Engineering Option
 Minor in Mathematical and Computational Science
 Bachelor of Science in Mathematics
 Minor in Mathematics
 Master of Science in Mathematics
 Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics
 Ph.D. Minor in Mathematics
 Medieval Studies
 Modern Thought and Literature
 Coterminal Bachelor's and Master's Program in Modern Thought and Literature
 Doctor of Philosophy in Modern Thought and Literature
 Bachelor of Arts in Music
 Minor in Music
 Master of Arts in Music
 Doctor of Musical Arts (D.M.A.) and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Music
 Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy
 Minor in Philosophy
 Joint Major in Philosophy and Religious Studies
 Coterminal Bachelor's and Master's Degrees in Philosophy
 Master of Arts in Philosophy
 Doctor of Philosophy in Philosophy
 Ph.D. Minor in Philosophy
 Physics Course Catalog Numbering System
 Bachelor of Science in Physics
 Minor in Physics or Astronomy
 Doctor of Philosophy in Physics
 Ph.D. Minor in Physics
 Political Science
 Bachelor of Arts in Political Science
 Minor in Political Science
 Master of Arts in Political Science
 Doctor of Philosophy in Political Science
 Ph.D. Minor in Political Science
 Overseas Studies Courses in Political Science
 Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
 Minor in Psychology
 Master of Arts in Psychology
 Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology
 Ph.D. Minor in Psychology
 Public Policy
 Bachelor of Arts in Public Policy
 Coterminal M.A. in Public Policy
 Master's Degrees in Public Policy
 Minors in Public Policy
 Overseas Studies Courses in Public Policy
 Religious Studies
 Bachelor of Arts in Religious Studies
 Major in Religious Studies and Philosophy
 Minor in Religious Studies
 Master of Arts in Religious Studies
 Doctor of Philosophy in Religious Studies
 Ph.D. Minor in Religious Studies
 Overseas Studies Courses in Religious Studies
 Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies
 Minor in Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies
 Master of Arts in Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies
 Coterminal Master's Program in Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies
 Science, Technology, and Society
 Bachelor of Arts in Science, Technology, and Society
 Bachelor of Science in Science, Technology, and Society
 Minor in Science, Technology, and Society
 Overseas Studies Courses in Science, Technology, and Society
 Slavic Languages and Literatures
 Bachelor of Arts in Slavic Languages and Literatures
 Minors in Slavic Languages and Literatures
 Coterminal Bachelor's and Master's Program in Slavic Languages and Literatures
 Master of Arts in Slavic Languages and Literatures
 Doctor of Philosophy in Slavic Languages and Literatures
 Overseas Studies Courses in Slavic Languages and Literatures
 Bachelor of Arts in Sociology
 Minor in Sociology
 Coterminal Master of Arts in Sociology
 Master of Arts in Sociology for Current Stanford Graduate Students
 Doctor of Philosophy in Sociology
 Ph.D. Minor in Sociology
 Joint Programs in Sociology with the School of Law
 Overseas Studies Courses in Sociology
 Minor in Statistics
 Master of Science in Statistics
 Doctor of Philosophy in Statistics
 Ph.D. Minor in Statistics
 Symbolic Systems
 Bachelor of Science in Symbolic Systems
 Minor in Symbolic Systems
 Coterminal Bachelor's and Master's Degrees in Symbolic Systems
 Master of Science in Symbolic Systems
 Urban Studies
 Bachelor of Arts in Urban Studies
 Minor in Urban Studies
 Coterminal Programs in Urban Studies
 Overseas Studies Courses in Urban Studies
 Stanford in Washington
 School of Law
 Joint and Dual Degrees in Law
 Courses in Law
 School of Medicine
 Undergraduate Programs in the School of Medicine
 M.S. and Ph.D. Programs in the School of Medicine
 M.D. Program in the School of Medicine
 Multiple-Degree Programs in the School of Medicine
 Medical Scientist Training Program
 Master of Science in Medicine Program
 Doctor of Philosophy in Biochemistry
 Center for Biomedical Ethics
 Biomedical Informatics
 Core Curriculum and Program Requirements in Biomedical Informatics
 Master of Science in Biomedical Informatics (Academic)
 Master of Science in Biomedical Informatics (Professional/Honors Cooperative Program)
 Master of Science in Biomedical Informatics (Coterminal)
 Doctor of Philosophy in Biomedical Informatics
 Ph.D. Minor in Biomedical Informatics
 Cancer Biology
 Doctor of Philosophy in Cancer Biology
 Chemical and Systems Biology
 Master of Science in Chemical and Systems Biology
 Doctor of Philosophy in Chemical and Systems Biology
 Comparative Medicine
 Developmental Biology
 Master of Science in Developmental Biology
 Doctor of Philosophy in Developmental Biology
 Master of Science in Human Genetics and Genetic Counseling
 Doctor of Philosophy in Genetics
 Health Research and Policy
 Health Services Research
 Master of Science in Health Services Research
 Master of Science in Epidemiology
 Master of Science in Immunology
 Doctor of Philosophy in Immunology
 Microbiology and Immunology
 Doctor of Philosophy in Microbiology and Immunology
 Molecular and Cellular Physiology
 Doctor of Philosophy in Molecular and Cellular Physiology
 Doctor of Philosophy in Neurosciences
 Obstetrics and Gynecology
 Radiation Oncology
 Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine
 Doctor of Philosophy in Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine
 Structural Biology
 Doctor of Philosophy in Structural Biology
 Centers, Laboratories, and Institutes
 Center for Space Science and Astrophysics
 Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies (FSI)
 Woods Institute for the Environment: Goldman Interschool Honors Program in Environmental Science, Technology, and Policy
 Libraries and Computing Resources
 Stanford University Libraries and Academic Information Resources
 Central Campus Libraries
 Branch Libraries
 Coordinate Libraries
 Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace
 Information Technology Services (IT Services)
 The Continuing Studies Program
 Master of Liberal Arts Program
 Summer Session
 Student Affairs
 Student Services Center
 Dean of Student Life
 Dean of Educational Resources
 Office of Accessible Education (OAE)
 Career Development Center
 Community Centers
 Diversity and First Gen Programs
 Graduate Life Office
 Graduate Student Residence Program
 Haas Center for Public Service
 Bechtel International Center
 Judicial Affairs and Student Conduct
 Fundamental Standard
 Honor Code
 Old Union
 Office of Residential Education
 Residential Education Program
 Residence Deans
 Sexual Assault and Relationship Abuse Education and Response
 Student Activities and Leadership
 Voluntary Student Organizations
 Tresidder Memorial Union
 Vaden Health Center
 Medical Services
 Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)
 YWCA Sexual Assault Center at Stanford
 Health Promotion Services
 Health Insurance
 Other Services and Programs
 Diversity and Access Office
 Stanford Conference Services
 Police Services
 Office for Religious Life
 Stanford Alumni Association
 Stanford Events
 Awards and Honors
 Faculty and Staff Awards
 Kenneth M. Cuthbertson Award
 Lloyd W. Dinkelspiel Awards
 Walter J. Gores Awards
 Allan Cox Medal For Faculty Excellence Fostering Undergraduate Research
 Herbert Hoover Medal For Distinguished Service
 Student Awards
 Boothe Prize for Excellence in Writing
 President�s Award for Academic Excellence in the Freshman Year
 Deans� Award for Academic Achievement
 Firestone Medal for Excellence in Research
 Robert M. Golden Medal for Excellence in the Humanities and Creative Arts
 Hoefer Prize for Excellence in Undergraduate Writing
 Frederick Emmons Terman Engineering Scholastic Award
 Phi Beta Kappa
 Exchange Programs and Cross-enrollment Agreements
 Exchange Programs
 Cross-Enrollment Agreements for ROTC
 Air Force ROTC
 Army ROTC
 Naval ROTC
 Nonacademic Regulations
 Nondiscrimination Policy
 ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act)/Section 504 Grievance Procedure (Student)
 Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972
 Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
 Student Non-Academic Grievance Procedure
 Age Discrimination Act of 1975
 Ownership and Use of Stanford Name and Trademarks
 Peer-to-Peer File Sharing
 Domestic Partners
 Sexual Harassment and Consensual Sexual or Romantic Relationships
 Sexual Assault
 Political Activities
 Campus Disruptions
 Use of the Main Quadrangle and Memorial Court
 Oval Policy
 Noise and Amplified Sound
 Prohibition of the Possession of Dangerous Weapons on Campus
 Student Alcohol Policy
 Hazing Policy
 Smoke-Free Environment
 Visitor Policy/University Statement on Privacy
 Computer and Network Usage
 Protection of Sensitive Data
 Campus Safety and Criminal Statistics
Ph.D. Minor in Linguistics
- Courses: the candidate must complete 30 units of course work in linguistics. The University requires that at least 20 of these units be at the 200 level or above; the remaining 10 units must be at the 100 level or above. The course work for the minor must include LINGUIST 110, 120, and either 130A or 130B or 200-level introductory courses in the same areas and at least three courses related to the area of specialization. Courses submitted for the minor must be incremental units beyond those used to satisfy the major. Individual programs should be worked out in advance with the student's Ph.D. minor adviser in Linguistics.
- Research Project (optional): the candidate may elect to present a paper which integrates the subject matter of linguistics into the field of specialization of the candidate.
- The Linguistics minor adviser or designee serves on the candidate's University oral examination committee and may request that up to one-third of the examination be devoted to the minor subject.
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