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Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity

Director: José David Saldívar

Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity does not focus on a particular ethnic group. Rather, a student in consultation with the adviser designs a curriculum in relation to a thematic concentration that compares various ethnic groups or explores topics that cut across group experiences in the United States and elsewhere in the world. For example, students may compare groups within the U.S., or compare groups in the U.S. to ethnic groups elsewhere, or study the diaspora of a single group or the sovereignty of indigenous peoples within and across different national contexts. Students in this major are able to take advantage of courses in over 22 fields offered by the affiliated faculty of CSRE.


A total of 60 units of course work are required for the major.

  1. Core Curriculum—All CSRE majors enroll in the 15-unit core curriculum, which consists of two core courses and a senior seminar taken in Autumn Quarter of the senior year. One foundational course may be counted toward the 15-unit core requirement.
  2. Thematic Concentration—Comparative Studies majors complete another 45 units of course work relevant to the thematic concentration they have chosen in consultation with the adviser.
  3. Senior Paper or Honors Thesis—All CSRE majors complete a culminating research paper under the supervision of a faculty adviser.


Students who wish to minor in Comparative Studies must complete a minimum of 30 units from the approved course list. Two core courses (or one core and one foundational course) are needed to fulfill the minor requirements.


Students in Comparative Studies may find the following courses useful in fulfilling course requirements in the major or minor.

Core Courses
Foundational Courses
Thematic Courses
Cognate Courses

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