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Minor in Human Biology

A minor in Human Biology provides an introductory background to the relationship between the biological and social aspects of humanity's origin, development, and prospects. Many of the major problems facing human civilization today involve both biological and social aspects. Scientific approaches to these problems are essential, but they must be broadly conceived, integrating what is known of the biological with an understanding of the social and cultural setting in which they exist. Students with a minor in Human Biology are expected to develop a strong background in the integration between the biological and social aspects of human beings.

Students declaring a minor in Human Biology must do so no later than two quarters prior to their intended quarter of degree conferral (for example, a student must declare a minor before the end of Autumn Quarter to graduate the following Spring Quarter).

To minor in Human Biology, students must take the Human Biology Core (HUMBIO 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B, 4A, and 4B) and one additional upper-division course (for example, any HUMBIO course numbered 100-189). The student must earn a minimum letter grade of 'C-'. Courses that count towards the fulfillment of major requirements may not be counted towards the minor.

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