Overseas Studies Courses in International Relations
For course descriptions and additional offerings, see the listings in the Stanford Bulletin's ExploreCourses web site (http://explorecourses.stanford.edu) or the Bing Overseas Studies web site (http://bosp.stanford.edu). Students should consult their department or program's student services office for applicability of Overseas Studies courses to a major or minor program.
Autumn Quarter
- OSPBEIJ 24. China's Economic Development. 5 units, Scott Rozelle, GER:DB:SocSci
- OSPBEIJ 42. Chinese Media Studies. 4 units, Kun Li, GER:DB:SocSci
- OSPBEIJ 66. Essentials of China's Criminal Justice System. 5 units, Shizhou Wang, GER:DB:SocSci, EC:GlobalCom
- OSPBEIJ 67. China-Africa and Middle East Relations. 4 units, Anshan Li, Suolao Wang
- OSPBER 34. Science, Medicine, and Technology in Nazi Germany. 3-5 units, David Holloway
- OSPBER 115X. German Economy: Past and Present. 4-5 units, Ingo Klein, GER:DB:SocSci, EC:GlobalCom
- OSPFLOR 35. European Economic and Monetary Integration. 5 units, Pompeo Della Posta, GER:DB:SocSci, EC:GlobalCom
- OSPFLOR 106V. Italy: From an Agrarian to a Post-industrial Society. 5 units, Giuseppe Mammarella, GER:DB:SocSci, EC:GlobalCom
- OSPMADRD 54. Contemporary Spanish Economy and the European Union. 5 units, Miguel Buñuel, GER:DB:SocSci
- OSPMADRD 61. Society and Cultural Change: The Case of Spain. 5 units, Antonio Muñoz
- OSPMOSC 62. Economic Reform and Economic Policy in Modern Russia. 5 units, Vladimir Mau, Vadim Novikov, GER:DB:SocSci, EC:GlobalCom
- OSPMOSC 72. Space, Politics and Modernty in Russia. 5 units, Sergei Medvedev, GER:DB:SocSci, EC:GlobalCom
- OSPMOSC 74. Post-Soviet Eurasia and SCO: Society, Politics, Integration. 5 units, Maxim Bratersky, Sergey Kortunov, GER:DB:SocSci, EC:GlobalCom
- OSPMOSC 78. Russian-American Relations: From the War of Independence to the War on Terror. 5 units, Edward A. Ivanian, GER:DB:SocSci
- OSPOXFRD 35. Modern UK and European Government and Politics. 4-5 units, Giovanni Cappocia, GER:DB:SocSci
- OSPOXFRD 45. British Economic Policy Since World War II. 5 units, James Forder, GER:DB:SocSci
- OSPPARIS 29. Colonization, Decolonization and Immigration: An Overview of French Global History in the 20th Century. 5 units, Choukri Hmed, GER:DB:SocSci, EC:GlobalCom
- OSPPARIS 32. Understanding French Politics. 4-5 units, Patrick Chamorel, GER:DB:SocSci
- OSPPARIS 124X. Building the European Economy: Economic Policies and the Challenges Ahead. 5 units, Jacques Le Cacheux, GER:DB:SocSci
- OSPPARIS 153X. Health Systems and Health Insurance: France and the U.S.a Comparison. 4-5 units, Jean-Marie Fessler, GER:DB:SocSci, EC:GlobalCom
- OSPSANTG 68. The Emergence of Nations in Latin America. 4-5 units, Ivan Jaksic, GER:DB:SocSci
- OSPSANTG 104X. Modernization and Culture in Latin America. 5 units, Bernardo Subercaseaux, GER:DB:SocSci, EC:GlobalCom
- OSPSANTG 130X. The Chilean Economy in Comparative Perspective. 5 units, Cristóbal Aninat, GER:DB:SocSci
- OSPSANTG 221X. Political Transition and Democratic Consolidation: Chile in Comparative Perspective. 5 units, Sergio Micco, GER:DB:SocSci
Winter Quarter
- OSPBER 15. Shifting Alliances? The European Union and the US. 4-5 units, Uli Brückner, GER:DB:SocSci, EC:GlobalCom
- OSPBER 26. Germany in Europe. 5 units, Philippe Buc
- OSPBER 62. Shades of Green: Environmental Policy in Germany and the U.S. in Historical Perspective. 5 units, Sylke Tempel, GER:DB:SocSci
- OSPBER 161X. The German Economy in the Age of Globalization. 4-5 units, Ingo Klein, GER:DB:SocSci, EC:GlobalCom
- OSPCPTWN 32. Adult Learning, Development and Social Change: Service-Learning in the Contemporary South African Context. 4-5 units, Janice McMillan
- OSPCPTWN 33. From Apartheid to Democracy: Namibia and South Africa. 4 units, Chris Saunders
- OSPCPTWN 38. Genocide: The African Experience. 3 units, Mohamed Adhikari
- OSPFLOR 49. The Cinema Goes to War: Fascism and World War II As Represented in Italian and European Cinema. 5 units, Ermelinda Campani, GER:DB:Hum
- OSPFLOR 79. Migrations and Migrants: The Sociology of a New Phenomenon. 5 units, Khaled Fouad Allam, GER:DB:SocSci, EC:GlobalCom
- OSPMADRD 42. A European Model of Democracy: The Case of Spain. 5 units, Francisco Javier Bobillo de la Peña, GER:DB:SocSci
- OSPMADRD 72. Issues in Bioethics Across Cultures. 5 units, Pablo de Lora del Toro
- OSPOXFRD 13. Politics and Economics of the Euro Zone. 5 units, Judith Goldstein, GER:DB:SocSci
- OSPOXFRD 18. Making Public Policy: An Introduction to Political Philosophy, Politics and Economics. 4-5 units, Robert McMahon, GER:DB:SocSci
- OSPOXFRD 92. Britain in the Second World War. 5 units, Geoffrey Tyack
- OSPOXFRD 117W. Gender and Social Change in Modern Britain. 4-5 units, Amanda Palmer, GER:DB:SocSci, EC:GlobalCom
- OSPPARIS 57. Human Rights in Comparative Perspective. 4-5 units,Laurie Boussaguet, GER:DB:SocSci, EC:GlobalCom
- OSPPARIS 81. France During the Second World War: Between History and Memory. 5 units, Fabrice Virgili, GER:DB:SocSci
- OSPPARIS 91. Globalization and its Effect on France and the European Union. 5 units, Eloi Laurent, Jacques Le Cacheux, GER:DB:SocSci, EC:GlobalCom
- OSPSANTG 129X. Latin America in the International System. 4-5 units, Claudio Fuentes, GER:DB:SocSci
- OSPSANTG 130X. The Chilean Economy in Comparative Perspective. 5 units, Cristóbal Aninat, GER:DB:SocSci
Spring Quarter
- OSPBEIJ 19. Population and Society in East Asia. 4 units, Yun Zhou, GER:DB:SocSci, EC:GlobalCom
- OSPBEIJ 41. Chinese Society and Business Culture. 4 units, Bobai Li, GER:DB:SocSci, EC:GlobalCom
- OSPBEIJ 46. Introduction to Chinese Economy. 5 units, Dong Chen, GER:DB:SocSci, EC:GlobalCom
- OSPBER 126X. A People's Union? Money, Markets, and Identity in the EU. 4-5 units, Uli Brückner, GER:DB:SocSci, EC:GlobalCom
- OSPBER 174. Sports, Culture and Gender in Comparative Perspective. 5 units, Wolf-D. Junghanns, GER:DB:SocSci, EC:Gender
- OSPCPTWN 32. Adult Learning, Development and Social Change: Service-Learning in the Contemporary South African Context. 4-5 units, Janice McMillan
- OSPCPTWN 40. Education in the Post-Apartheid City. 4 units, Aslam Fataar
- OSPCPTWN 44.Negotiating Home, Citizenship and the South African City. 4 units, Sophie Oldfield, GER:DB:SocSci, EC:GlobalCom
- OSPCPTWN 52. The Ethics of Imperialism. 5 units, James Daughton, GER:DB:Hum
- OSPFLOR 78. An Extraordinary Experiment: Politics and Policies of the "New" European Union. 5 units, Leonardo Morlino, GER:DB:SocSci, EC:GlobalCom
- OSPKYOTO 60. Japan in World War II: Experience and Memory. 5 units, Peter Duus, Andras Horvat
- OSPKYOTO 215X. Political Economy of Japan. 4-5 units, Toshihiko Hayashi, GER:DB:SocSci
- OSPMADRD 57. Health Care: A Contrastive Analysis between Spain and the U.S. 5 units, Pablo de Lora del Toro, GER:DB:SocSci
- OSPOXFRD 24. British and American Constitutional Systems in Comparative Perspective. 4-5 units, Robert McMahon, GER:DB:SocSci
- OSPPARIS 33. The Economics of Climate Change: Policies in Theory and in Practice in the EU and the US. 5 units, Christian de Perthuis, Benoit Leguet, GER:DB:SocSci, EC:GlobalCom
- OSPPARIS 122X. Challenges of Integration in the European Union. 4-5 units, Sylvie Strudel, GER:DB:SocSci
- OSPSANTG 68. The Emergence of Nations in Latin America. 4-5 units, Ivan Jaksic, GER:DB:SocSci
- OSPSANTG 116X. Modernization and its Discontents: Chilean Politics at the Turn of the Century. 5 units, Gerrman Correa, GER:DB:SocSci
- OSPSANTG 119X. The Chilean Economy: History, International Relations, and Development Strategies. 5 units, Oscar Munoz, GER:DB:SocSci
- OSPSANTG 141X. Politics and Culture in Chile. 5 units, Bernardo Subercaseaux, GER:DB:Hum, EC:GlobalCom