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Multiple Majors

Although most students declare only one major, a student may formally declare more than one major within a single bachelor's degree (B.A., B.S., or B.A.S.) program. The student may do that either at the time of initial major declaration or, as may be more advisable given the planning required to complete more than one major, by amending the original declaration. The student's major departments or programs have access routinely to all information pertinent to that student's academic record (for example, course and grade information), and each is expected to provide advising and other assistance. Students may pick up appropriate information regarding major declarations from the Student Services Center. To be awarded a bachelor's degree with multiple majors, the student must fulfill the following requirements:

  1. Formally declare all majors through Axess to the Office of the University Registrar.
  2. Satisfy the requirements of each major without applying any course towards the requirements of more than one major or any minor unless:
    1. overlapping courses constitute introductory skill requirements (for example, introductory math or a foreign language);
    2. overlapping courses enable the student to meet school requirements (for example, for two majors within the School of Engineering). Currently, only the School of Engineering has school requirements for its undergraduate majors.

Students pursuing multiple majors must complete a multiple major program form indicating which courses they plan to apply toward each major and any minor(s). Departments must certify that the plan of study meets all requirements for the majors and any minor(s) without unallowable overlaps in course work; the School of Engineering Dean's office certifies this information in any case involving an Engineering major or minor. To facilitate advance planning, multiple major program forms are available at any time from the Registrar's forms web site. The Major-Minor and Multiple Major Course Approval Form is required for graduation for students with multiple majors or a minor. The form should be submitted to the Student Services Center by the Final Study LIst deadline of the quarter of intended graduation.

If the pursuit of multiple majors unduly delays an undergraduate's progress through Stanford, the University reserves the right to limit a student to a single major.

When students cannot meet the requirements of multiple majors without overlaps, the secondary major, may be relevant.

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