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Bing Overseas Studies Program

Program Director: Robert Sinclair

Stanford Program in Australia

Director: Peter Mumby, School of Biological Sciences, University of Queensland

Faculty-in-Residence: Kevin Arrigo

Program Faculty: Claire Baker, Bill Casey, Ron Johnstone, Ian Lilly, Catherine Lovelock, Selina Ward

Stanford Program in Beijing

Acting Director: Chao Fen Sun

Faculty-in-Residence: Gordon Chang, Chao Fen Sun

Program Faculty: Li Chen, Wenxiang Gong, Anshan Li, Bobai Li, Kun Li, Hua Qian, Liyan Qin, Shizhou Wang, Suolao Wang, Yan Wang, Pei Zhang, Li-an Zhou, Xiaoya Zhu

Stanford Program in Berlin

Director: Karen Kramer

Faculty-in-Residence: Charlotte Fonrobert, Mark E. Lewis, M. Rush Rehm

Program Faculty: Maria Biege, Diana Boebe, Ulrich Brückner, Knut Ebeling, Martin Jander, Wolf-Dietrich Junghanns, Ingo Klein, Sylvia Kloetzer, Matthias Pabsch, Cemile Tat, Jochen Wohlfeil

Stanford Program in Cape Town

Director: Timothy Stanton

Faculty-in-Residence: Prudence Carter

Program Faculty: Mohamed Adhikari,Diane Cooper, Stephan Klingebiel, Janice McMillan, Sophie Oldfield, John Parkington, Chris Saunders, Mary Simons, Nolubabalo Tyam

Stanford Program in Florence

Director: Ermelinda Campani

Faculty-in-Residence: Tom Byers, Garry Gold, Matthew Kohrman

Program Faculty: Khaled Fouad Allam, Stefano Cannicci, Pompeo Della Posta, Paolo Galluzzi, Anthony Molho, Leonardo Morlino, Lapo Pistelli, Fiorenza Quercioli, Filippo Rossi, Abraham Sofaer, Timothy Verdon

Stanford Program in Kyoto

Director: Andrew Horvat

Faculty-in-Residence: Jaroslaw Kapuscinski

Program Faculty: Naoko Asami, Peter Duus, Toshiko Fujiwara, Toshihiko Hayashi, Yuko Kawahara, Catherine Ludvik, Kiyoko Tanaka, Hiroko Tayama, Haruka Ueda

Stanford Program in Madrid

Director: Santiago Tejerina-Canal

Faculty-in-Residence: Geoffrey Cohen, Michael Predmore, Robert Waymouth

Program Faculty: Almudena Ariza Armada, Francisco Javier Bobillo de la Peña, Miguel Buñuel, María Teresa Camblor Portilla, Julia Doménech, Sylvia Hilton, Sheila Klaiber, Miguel Larrañaga Zulueta, Antonio Muñoz, Laura Murcia, Alicia Pérez Blanco, Oscar Sánchez Fuster

Stanford Program in Moscow

Director: Alexander Abashkin

Faculty-in-Residence: Lazar Fleishman

Program Faculty: Tatyana Boldyreva, Maxim Bratersky, Galina Filatova, Edward Ivanian, Lisa Kurganova, Carol Leonard, Vladimir Mau, Sergei Medvedev, Vadim Novikov, Alexander Rubailov, Angelina Sidyganova

Stanford Program in Oxford

Director: Geoffrey Tyack

Faculty-in-Residence: Denise Gigante, David Palumbo-Liu, Kenneth Schultz

Program Faculty: Giovanni Capoccia, James Forder, Alison Kahn, Helen Kidd, Robert McMahon, Amanda Palmer, Emma Plaskitt, Richard Rowley, Robert Saunders, Muhammad Talib

Stanford Program in Paris

Director: Estelle Halévi

Faculty-in-Residence: Marisa Galvez, Roland Greene, S. Lochlann Jain, Paul Switzer

Program Faculty: Laurie Boussaguet, Colette Deremble, Jean-Paul Deremble, Jean-Marie Fessler, Brigitte Gallini, Sonia Gourevitch, Patrick Guédon, Choukri Hmed, Tiphaine Karsenti, Eloi Laurent, Jacques Le Cacheux, Giovanni Lévi, Florence Mercier, Elizabeth Molkou, Jean-Pierre Morgand, Martial Poirson, Pauline Reychman, Marie-Christine Ricci, Sylvie Strudel, Fabrice Virgili

Stanford Program in Santiago

Director: Iván Jaksic

Faculty-in-Residence: Susan Cashion

Program Faculty: Mabel Abad, César Albornoz, Andrés Bobbert, Germán Correa, Claudio Fuentes, Alexander Galetovic, Rolf Lüders, Sergio Micco, Sergio Missana, Alvaro Palma, Hernan Pons, Sharon Reid, Emilio Rivano, Bernardo Subercaseaux, Gloria Toledo

Program Offices: Sweet Hall, Ground Floor, 590 Escondido Mall

Mail Code: 3089

Phone: (650) 723-3558

Email: [email protected]

Web Site:

Courses offered by the Overseas Studies Program are listed on the Stanford Bulletin's ExploreCourses web site under subject codes beginning with OSP:

The Bing Overseas Studies Program (BOSP) provides opportunities for Stanford students to broaden their undergraduate education through study in another country and immersion in its culture. Regular programs in Australia, Beijing, Berlin, Cape Town, Florence, Kyoto, Madrid, Moscow, Oxford, Paris, and Santiago offer courses in social and natural sciences, humanities, and engineering with full Stanford credit. Many courses also count toward major requirements and/or fulfill General Education Requirements. Students may enroll for one or more quarters at most locations. Academic or paid internships are available at the Beijing, Berlin, Florence, Kyoto, Madrid, Moscow, Paris, and Santiago programs. Research opportunities are available in various formats at different centers. Service-learning and community-based research opportunities are available in Cape Town. Minimum academic and language prerequisites are specific to each program. See for information on these requirements.

While studying overseas through BOSP, students remain registered at Stanford and pay regular tuition, along with the overseas fee, which is based on Stanford room and board rates. Regular financial aid applies, and may be increased to cover additional costs. At most centers, students live in a homestay or with local students.

In addition to regular programs offered for enrolled Stanford students, the University is a member of two consortia: the Consortium for Advanced Studies in Barcelona and the Kyoto Consortium for Japanese Studies. Overseas Studies occasionally offers a limited number of special programs.

Overseas Studies, located on the ground floor of Sweet Hall, has full-time staff members and student advisors to assist in planning for overseas study. Course information, while accurate at the time of publication, is subject to change. See for updated information.

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