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The Board of Trustees

Powers and Duties—The Board of Trustees is custodian of the endowment and all properties of the University. The Board administers the invested funds, sets the annual budget, and determines policies for the operation and control of the University. The powers and duties of the Board of Trustees derive from the Founding Grant, amendments, legislation, and court decrees. In addition, the Board operates under its own bylaws and a series of resolutions on major policy.

Membership—Board membership is set at 35, including the President of the University who serves ex officio and with vote. Trustees serve a five-year term and are eligible for appointment to one additional five-year term. At the conclusion of that term, a Trustee is not eligible for reelection until after a lapse of one year. Eight of the Trustees are elected or appointed in accordance with the Rules Governing the Election or Appointment of Alumni Nominated Trustees. They serve a five-year term.

Officers of the Board—The officers of the board are a chair, one or more vice chairs, a secretary, and an associate secretary. Officers are elected to one-year terms at the annual meeting in June, with the exception of the chair, who serves a two-year term. Their terms of office begin July 1.

Committees—Standing committees of the Board are Academic Policy, Planning, and Management; Alumni and External Affairs; Audit and Compliance; Development; Finance; Land and Buildings; the Medical Center; and Trusteeship. Special committees include Athletics, Compensation, Investment Responsibility, and Litigation.

Meetings—The Board generally meets five times each year.

Members of the Board of Trustees as of August 2011

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