Doctor of Philosophy in Molecular and Cellular Physiology
Students with undergraduate or master's degrees who have completed a year each of college chemistry (including lectures in organic and physical chemistry), physics, calculus, and biology are considered for admission to graduate study. Applicants submit a report of scores from the Graduate Record Examination (verbal, quantitative, analytical, and an advanced subject test in one of the sciences) as part of the application. Students who do not speak English as their native language must submit scores from TOEFL unless waived by Graduate Admissions.
Study toward the Ph.D. is expected to occupy five years, including summers. A minimum of six quarter-long courses is required. These include four graduate-level courses (200-300 series) and a choice of two out of these three courses: MCP 221, MCP 258, and MCP 256. Students are also required to take the Molecular and Cellular Physiology Seminar/Research In Progress series. Each student presents a talk on research in progress to the department at least every other year, starting their second year. Grades for course work must be a minimum of 'B-', and at least two grades equal to 'A-' or above are necessary but not sufficient for continuation in the program.
Qualifying ExaminationAt the end of the second year in residence as a graduate student, each Ph.D. candidate presents a written thesis proposal to be defended at an oral comprehensive examination. The examinations may be taken only after all course work has been completed by the required standard. Students undertake individual research studies as early as possible after consultation with their preceptor. Upon passing this exam, the student is advanced to candidacy for the Ph.D.
Dissertation and University Oral ExaminationThe results of independent, original work by the students are presented in a dissertation. The oral examination is largely a defense of the dissertation.
Advisers and Advisory CommitteesA graduate advisory committee, currently professors Kobilka, Lewis, Nachury and Madison, advises students during the period before the formation of their qualifying committees.
Financial AidStudents may be funded by their advisers' research grants, by training grants, by department funds, or by extramural funds. Students are encouraged to obtain funding from outside sources such as NIH and NSF.