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Biology, Hopkins Marine Station

Emeritus: (Professor) David Epel

Director: Stephen R. Palumbi

Associate Director: George N. Somero

Professors: Barbara A. Block, Larry Crowder, Mark W. Denny, William F. Gilly, Fiorenza Micheli, Stephen R. Palumbi, George N. Somero, Stuart H. Thompson

Assistant Professor: Christopher J. Lowe

Lecturer: James Watanabe

Station Offices: 120 Oceanview Blvd., Pacific Grove, CA 93950

Phone: (831) 655-6200

Email: [email protected]

Web Site:

Courses offered by Hopkins Marine Station have the subject code BIOHOPK, and are listed in the "Biology, Hopkins Marine Station [BIOHOPK] Courses" section of this bulletin.

The Hopkins Marine Station, located 90 miles from the main University campus in Pacific Grove, was founded in 1892 as the first marine laboratory on the west coast of North America. The modern laboratory facilities on the 11-acre campus on Cabrillo Point house nine faculty, all members of the Department of Biology. The Miller Library has a collection of literature in marine science. The Hopkins faculty offers undergraduate and graduate courses in biology which focus on the marine realm and involve topics including oceanography, environmental and comparative physiology, molecular evolution, biomechanics, cellular biology, conservation biology, and neurobiology and behavior. Most courses have laboratory sections that exploit the potential of working with readily available marine plants and animals. Small class sizes encourage close student-faculty interactions. Undergraduates have opportunities to carry out research projects with Hopkins faculty during the academic year or summer months. Courses are offered in Winter, Spring, and Summer quarters.

Courses at Hopkins Marine Station can satisfy many requirements, from the Natural Sciences GER to major and minor requirements in departments housed in the Schools of Engineering, Humanities and Sciences, and Earth Sciences. Students are encouraged to check with their department's student services office to see which courses at Hopkins may be used to fulfill major or minor requirements.


The summer program is open to advanced undergraduate, graduate students, and postdoctoral students, and to teachers whose biological backgrounds, teaching, or research activities can benefit from a summer's study of marine life. Applications, deadlines, and further information are available at

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