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1 - 10 of 41 results for: BIOHOPK

BIOHOPK 43: Plant Biology, Evolution, and Ecology

Introduction to biology in a marine context. Principles of plant biology: physiology, structure, diversity. Principles of evolution: macro and microevolution, population genetics. Ecology: the principles governing the distribution and abundance of organisms; population, community, and ecosystem ecology. Equivalent to BIO 43. Corequisite: BIOHOPK 44Y.
Terms: Spr | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DBNatSci | Grading: Ltr-CR/NC
Instructors: Denny, M.; Palumbi, S.; Watanabe, J.

BIOHOPK 44Y: Core Experimental Laboratory

Laboratory and field projects provide working familiarity with the concepts, organisms, and techniques of plant and evolutionary biology, and ecology. Emphasis is on hands-on experimentation in the marine environment, analysis of data, and written and oral presentation of the experiments. Equivalent to BIO 44Y. Corequisite: BIOHOPK 43.
Terms: Spr | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DBNatSci | Grading: Ltr-CR/NC
Instructors: Denny, M.; Palumbi, S.; Watanabe, J.

BIOHOPK 161H: Invertebrate Zoology (BIOHOPK 261H)

(Graduate students register for 261H.) Survey of invertebrate diversity emphasizing form and function in a phylogenetic framework. Morphological diversity, life histories, physiology, and ecology of the major invertebrate groups, concentrating on local marine forms as examples. Current views on the phylogenetic relationships and evolution of the invertebrates. Lectures, lab, plus field trips. Prerequisite: Biology core or consent of instructor.
Terms: Win | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DBNatSci | Grading: Ltr-CR/NC
Instructors: Watanabe, J.

BIOHOPK 162H: Comparative Animal Physiology (BIOHOPK 262H)

(Graduate students register for 262H.) How animals work. Topics: physiology of respiration, circulation, energy metabolism, thermal regulation, osmotic regulation, muscle physiology, and locomotion. Evolutionary and ecological physiology. Lectures, lab, and field research. An option to combine the course work with a more intensive research focus, with more units, is available. Prerequisite: Biology core or consent of instructor.
Terms: Spr, alternate years, not given next year | Units: 5-8 | UG Reqs: GER:DBNatSci | Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit
Instructors: Block, B.

BIOHOPK 163H: Oceanic Biology (BIOHOPK 263H)

(Graduate students register for 263H.) How the physics and chemistry of the oceanic environment affect marine plants and animals. Topics: seawater and ocean circulation, separation of light and nutrients in the two-layered ocean, oceanic food webs and trophic interactions, oceanic environments, biogeography, and global change. Lectures, discussion, and field trips. Recommended: PHYSICS 21 or 51, CHEM 31, Biology core, or consent of instructor.
Terms: not given this year | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: GER:DBNatSci | Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit

BIOHOPK 164H: Marine Botany (BIOHOPK 264H)

(Graduate students register for 264H.) Introduction to plants in the sea. Phytoplankton and oceanic productivity; macrophytes and nearshore ecology; marine angiosperms from taxonomical, physiological, and ecological perspectives. Lectures, lab. Prerequisite: Biology core or consent of instructor.
Terms: alternate years, given next year | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DBNatSci | Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit

BIOHOPK 166H: Molecular Ecology (BIOHOPK 266H)

(Graduate students register for 266H.) How modern technologies in gene sequencing, detection of nuclear nucleotide polymorphisms, and other approaches are used to gather data on genetic variation that allow measurement of population structure, infer demographic histories, inform conservation efforts, and advance understanding of the ecology of diverse types of organisms.
Terms: Win | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DBNatSci | Grading: Ltr-CR/NC
Instructors: Palumbi, S.

BIOHOPK 167H: Nerve, Muscle, and Synapse (BIOHOPK 267H)

(Graduate students register for 267H.) Fundamental aspects of membrane excitability, nerve conduction, synaptic transmission, and excitation-contraction coupling. Emphasis is on biophysical, molecular, and cellular level analyses of these processes in vertebrate and invertebrate systems. Labs on intra- and extracellular recording and patch clamp techniques. Lectures, discussions, and labs. Prerequisites: PHYSICS 23, 28, 43, or equivalent; CHEM 31, 135; calculus; or consent of instructor.
Terms: alternate years, given next year | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DBNatSci | Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit

BIOHOPK 170H: Topics in Marine Biology (BIOHOPK 270H)

(Graduate students register for 270H.) A topic of current interest to marine science explored through primary literature. Prerequisite: Biology core or consent of instructor. May be repeated for credit.
Terms: Win | Units: 1 | Repeatable for credit | Grading: S/NC
Instructors: , .

BIOHOPK 171H: Ecological and Evolutionary Physiology (BIOHOPK 271H)

(Graduate students register for 271H.) The interplay between environmental factors, such as temperature, light, nutrient supply, salinity, and oxygen availability, and adaptive change at the physiological level. Emphasis is on marine species and the roles played by physiological adaptations in establishing their distribution and performance. Prerequisite: Biology core or consent of instructor.
Terms: Spr | Units: 4 | UG Reqs: GER:DBNatSci | Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit
Instructors: Somero, G.
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