About Explore Courses and the Stanford Bulletin
The Stanford Bulletin is the official statement of degree programs and courses of instruction for Stanford University. For degree requirements and University regulations and requirements, see the Bulletin's Explore Degrees web site.
The Bulletin's Explore Courses site presents all active courses, whether or not offered in the current academic year, in the Catalog View, and all scheduled classes for the current year in the Schedule View.
Explore Courses is refreshed daily; course and class data is no more than 24 hours old. Students may consult latest scheduling information on Axess.
When searched by subject, courses of instruction are listed numerically by catalog number.
Key term search result are displayed alphabetically by subject name, and then numerically by catalog number.
CourseRank Reviews
Links to the CourseRank review for each course require Stanford University web authentication and are restricted to members of the Stanford community. CourseRank provides course evaluations for previously offered courses.
Course Catalog Numbering
Stanford does not have a standard course catalog numbering system. In general, courses numbered from 1 through 99 are primarily for freshmen and sophomores. Courses numbered from 100 through 199 are primarily for juniors and seniors; some departments, however, offer courses numbered from 200 through 299 for juniors and seniors. Most courses numbered 200 and above are for graduate students; no graduate career course is numbered below 200, and all courses above 300 are for graduate students.
Variable Units
Courses offered for variable units require different amounts of work depending upon the units for which a student enrolls. Students are advised to consult with the department or instructor offering the course to determine the appropriate number of units.
Undergraduate University Requirements
Many undergraduate courses display codes that refer to the University General Education Requirements, Language Requirement, and Writing and Rhetoric Requirement. These requirements are explained in full on the Explore Degrees web site.
WIM indicates courses that fulfill the undergraduate departmental Writing in the Major requirement.
AU indicates Activity courses that are subject to undergraduate University Activity Unit limitations (8 units maximum).
Overseas Studies
Undergraduate courses taught overseas at Stanford's Bing Overseas Studies Program are listed under the relevant Overseas Studies Center subject code. Courses applicable to an undergraduate major are also listed in the relevant department's Bulletin's Explore Degrees page.
Summer Session
Only such offerings for the 2010 Summer Session that can be tentatively released are available. More complete listings will be available in January 2010.
Webmaster Contact
Registrar's Office Webmaster: [email protected]
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