Overseas Studies Courses in African and African American Studies
For course descriptions and additional offerings, see the listings in the Stanford Bulletin's ExploreCourses web site (http://explorecourses.stanford.edu) or the Bing Overseas Studies web site (http://bosp.stanford.edu). Students should consult their department or program's student services office for applicability of Overseas Studies courses to a major or minor program.
Winter Quarter
Cape Town
- OSPCPTWN 10 Minding Opportunity Gaps: Educational & Social Policy in South Africa, 4 units, Carter
- OSPCPTWN 11 Education & Schooling in Post- Apartheid South Africa, 4-5 unites,Carter
- OSPCPTWN 18 Xhosa Language and Culture, 2 units, Tyam
- OSPCPTWN 24A Targeted Research Project in Community Health and Development 3 units, Stanton
- OSPCPTWN 32 Learning, Development and Social Change: Service-Learning in the Contemporary South African, 3-5 units, McMillan
- OSPCPTWN 33 From Apartheid to Democracy: Namibia and South Africa, 4 units, Saunders
- OSPCPTWN 38 Genocide: The African Experience, 4 units, Adhikari
- OSPCPTWN 44 Negotiating Home, Citizenship and the South African City, 4 units, Oldfield
- OSPPARIS 186F Contemporary African Literature in French, 4 units, Mercier
Spring Quarter
Cape Town
- OSPCPTWN 18 Xhosa Language and Culture, 2 units, Tyam
- OSPCPTWN 22 Preparation for Community-Based Research in Community Health and Development, 3 units, Stanton
- OSPCPTWN 24B Targeted Research Project in Community Health and Development, 5 units Stanton
- OSPCPTWN 31 Theory and Politics of Foreign Aid, 3 units, Klingebiel
- OSPCPTWN 32 Learning, Development and Social Change: Service-Learning in the Contemporary South African, 3-5 units, McMillan
- OSPCPTWN 36 The Archaeology of Southern African Hunter Gatherers, 4 units, Parkington
- OSPCPTWN 68 Cities in the 21st Century: Urbanization, Globalization and Security, 4 units, Simons