Joint Major in Philosophy and Religious Studies
The joint undergraduate major in Philosophy and Religious Studies consists of 60 units of course work with approximately one third each in the philosophy core, the religious studies core, and either the general major or the special concentration. Affiliated courses cannot be used to satisfy this requirement.
No courses in either the philosophy or religious studies core may be taken satisfactory/no credit or credit/no credit.
In general, transfer units cannot be used to satisfy the core requirements. Transfer units and substitutions must be approved by the director of undergraduate studies in the appropriate department.
- Philosophy (PHIL) courses:
- 80
- 16 units, including at least one Philosophy course from each of the following areas:
- logic and philosophy of science: 50, 60, 61, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 160, 162-168
- ethics and value theory: 170-173
- epistemology, metaphysics, and philosophy of language: 1, 80, 180-189
- history of philosophy: 100-103
- Religious Studies (RELIGST) courses: 20 units, chosen in consultation with the student's adviser, including:
- RELIGST 290. Theories of Religion (5 units; Winter Quarter; recommended junior year; fulfills WIM requirement)
- at least one course in philosophy of religion, broadly construed: RELIGST 52, 54, 62, 101, 173, 174E, 183, 212, 220, 226, 238, 240, 242, 244, 245, 271A, 271B, 273 274, 275, 278, 279, 280
- diversity requirement: Students may not take all their religion courses in one religious tradition.
General Major RequirementsFive additional courses (approximately 20 units) divided between the two departments. No more than five of these units may come from courses numbered under 99 in either department. Each student must also take at least one undergraduate seminar in religious studies and one undergraduate seminar in philosophy.
Special ConcentrationWith the aid of an adviser, students pursue a specialized form of inquiry in which the combined departments have strength; for example, American philosophy and religious thought, philosophical and religious theories of human nature and action, philosophy of religion. Courses for this concentration must be approved in writing by the adviser.
Directed Reading and Satisfactory/No Credit UnitsUnits of directed reading for fulfilling requirements of the joint major are allowed only with special permission. No more than 10 units of work with a grade of 'satisfactory' count toward the joint major.
Students pursuing a joint major in Philosophy and Religious Studies may also apply for honors by following the procedure for honors in either of the departments.