Engineer in Chemical Engineering
The degree of Engineer is awarded after completion of a minimum of 90 units of graduate work beyond the B.S. degree and satisfactory completion of all University requirements plus the following departmental requirements. This degree is not a prerequisite for the Ph.D. program.
Unit and Course RequirementsA minimum of 90 total units (including research) within which 45 units of lecture course work are required, including (1) CHEMENG 300, 310, 320, 340, 345, 355 and (2) 3 units of CHEMENG 699. The remaining lecture courses, to total at least 45 completed units, may be chosen from graduate level science and engineering courses according to the guidelines given in the Master of Science section and with the consent of the graduate curriculum committee chair and the department chair. In fulfilling the required 45-unit requirement for lecture course units, an aggregate of 6 units maximum of the required 45-unit minimum of course work may include such courses as CHEMENG 459 and 699, but not 500 level seminar courses or research units. Students seeking the Engineer degree may petition to add a M.S. program and apply for the M.S. degree once the requirements for that degree have been fulfilled (see General Requirements in the "Graduate Degrees" section of this bulletin and Chemical Engineering's "Master of Science" section).
Minimum Grade RequirementAny course intended to satisfy the degree requirements must be taken for a letter grade, if offered. An overall grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 must be maintained for these courses.
Reading Committee RequirementAll candidates are required to have an initial meeting with their reading committees, consisting of two members of the Chemical Engineering faculty, by the end of their seventh quarter. Following this initial meeting, additional committee meetings must occur no less than once a year until all the requirements for the degree are satisfied. Students are encouraged to hold meetings on a more frequent basis to help focus and guide the thesis project. It is each student's responsibility to schedule these meetings and to assist in the keeping of accurate degree progress records by informing student services when meetings have taken place.
Thesis RequirementThe thesis must represent a substantial piece of research equivalent to nine months of full-time effort and must be approved by the student's reading committee.
Qualification for the Ph.D. Program by Students Ready to Receive the Degree of EngineerAfter completing the requirements for the Engineer degree, a student may request to be examined on the research work completed for that degree, for the purpose of qualifying for admission to Ph.D. candidacy. If the request is granted, the student's thesis must be approved by the reading committee and available in its final form for inspection by the entire faculty at least two weeks prior to the scheduled date of said examination.