Emeritus: Harden M. McConnell (Chemistry)
Director: Vijay Pande (Chemistry)
Professors: Russ Altman (Genetics, Medical Informatics), Steve Block (Applied Physics, Biology), Steven Boxer (Chemistry), Axel Brunger (Molecular and Cellular Physiology), Gilbert Chu (Oncology), Mark Davis (Microbiology and Immunology), Sebastian Doniach (Physics, Applied Physics), James Ferrell (Chemical and Systems Biology), Daniel Fisher (Applied Physics), K. Christopher Garcia (Molecular and Cellular Physiology, Structural Biology), Gary Glover (Radiology), Philip C. Hanawalt (Biology), Daniel Herschlag (Biochemistry), Keith O. Hodgson (Chemistry), Theodore Jardetzky (Structural Biology), Chaitan Khosla (Chemical Engineering, Chemistry), Brian Kobilka (Molecular and Cellular Physiology), Eric Kool (Chemistry), Ron Kopito (Biology), Roger D. Kornberg (Structural Biology), Michael Levitt (Structural Biology), Richard Lewis (Molecular and Cellular Physiology), Uel J. McMahan (Neurobiology), Tobias Meyer (Chemical and Systems Biology), W. E. Moerner (Chemistry), Norbert Pelc (Bioengineering, Radiology), Joseph D. Puglisi (Structural Biology), Stephen Quake (Bioengineering), Stephen J. Smith (Molecular and Cellular Physiology), Edward I. Solomon (Chemistry), James A. Spudich (Biochemistry, Developmental Biology), William I. Weis (Structural Biology, Molecular and Cellular Physiology), Richard N. Zare (Chemistry)
Associate Professors: Annelise Barron (Bioengineering), Judith Frydman (Biology), Pehr Harbury (Biochemistry), Craig Levin (Radiology), Vijay Pande (Chemistry), Julie Theriot (Biochemistry)
Assistant Professors: Zev Bryant (Bioengineering), Lynette Cegelski (Chemistry), Jennifer Cochran (Bioengineering), Bianxiao Cui (Chemistry), Rhiju Das (Biochemistry), Alexander Dunn (Chemical Engineering), Miriam Goodman (Molecular and Cellular Physiology), KC Huang (Bioengineering), Merritt Maduke (Molecular and Cellular Physiology), Jianghong Rao (Radiology), Ingmar Riedel-Kruse (Bioengineering), Mark Schnitzer (Biology, Applied Physics), Jan Skotheim (Biology), Andrew Spakowitz (Chemical Engineering)
Program Offices: Fairchild Building D118
Mail Code: 94305-5126
Phone: (650) 723-7576
Email: [email protected]
Web Site:
Courses offered by the Biophysics Program are listed under the subject code BIOPHYS
on the Stanford Bulletin's ExploreCourses web site.The Biophysics Program offers instruction and research opportunities leading to the Ph.D. in Biophysics. Students admitted to the program may perform their graduate research in any appropriate department.