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Dual Bachelor's Degrees (Concurrent B.A. and B.S.)

A Stanford undergraduate may work concurrently toward both a B.A. and a B.S. degree. To qualify for both degrees, a student must complete:

  1. A minimum of 225 units of University work. Units above the allowable limits for activity courses and for courses taken on a satisfactory/no credit and credit/no credit basis cannot be counted towards the 225 minimum.
  2. The requirements of each major without applying any course towards the requirements of more than one major, according to "Multiple Majors" section of this bulletin. The Major-Minor and Multiple Major Course Approval Form is required for graduation for students with dual degrees.
  3. The Writing, General Education, and Language requirements.
  4. The curricular requirements of two majors (one of which leads to a Bachelor of Arts degree and the other to a Bachelor of Science degree).
  5. Students admitted as freshmen—A minimum of 180 units (including the last quarter in residence) at Stanford. In special cases, students who have earned at least 180 units in resident work may petition for a waiver of the last quarter-in-residence requirement for up to 15 units.
  6. Students admitted as transfers—A minimum of 135 units (including the last quarter in residence) at Stanford. In special cases, students who have earned at least 135 units in resident work may petition for a waiver of the last quarter-in-residence requirement.

A student interested in dual bachelor's degrees should declare them in Axess no later than two quarters in advance of completing the program.

Students who do not meet the higher unit and residence requirements of the dual degree option may be eligible instead for the B.A.S. degree as described above.

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