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Art and Art History

Emeriti: (Professors) Keith Boyle, Kristina Branch, Wanda M. Corn, Elliot Eisner, David Hannah, Matthew S. Kahn, Suzanne Lewis, Frank Lobdell, Dwight C. Miller, Michael Sullivan, Paul V. Turner

Chair: Nancy Troy

Area Director for Art History: Nancy Troy

Area Director for Film and Media Studies: Kristine Samuelson

Area Director for Art Practice: Joel Leivick

Director of Undergraduate Studies in Art History: Jody Maxmin

Director of Undergraduate Studies in Art Practice: Xiaoze Xie

Director of Undergraduate Studies in Film and Media Studies: Jean Ma

Director of Graduate Studies in Art History: Pamela M. Lee

Director of Graduate Studies in Art Practice: Paul DeMarinis

Director of Graduate Studies in Documentary Film: Jan Krawitz

Professors: Enrique Chagoya (Painting/Drawing/Printmaking), Paul DeMarinis (Electronic Media), Jan Krawitz (Documentary Film), Pamela M. Lee (Contemporary Art), Michael Marrinan (18th- and 19th-century European Art), Kristine Samuelson (Documentary Film), Melinda Takeuchi (Japanese Art), Richard Vinograd (Chinese Art), Bryan Wolf (American Art), Xiaoze Xie (Painting/Drawing)

Associate Professors: Scott Bukatman (Film Studies, on leave), Jody Maxmin (Ancient Art), Bissera Pentcheva (Medieval Art, on leave), Gail Wight (Electronic Media)

Assistant Professors: Terry Berlier (Sculpture, on leave), Morten Steen Hansen (Renaissance Art, on leave), Pavle Levi (Film Studies), Jean Ma (Film Studies), Barbaro Martinez-Ruiz (African Art), Jamie Meltzer (Documentary Film, on leave)

Professor (Teaching): Joel Leivick (Photography)

Lecturers: Kevin Bean (Drawing/Painting), Thomas Beischer (Architectural History), Elizabeth Consavari (Renaissance Art), Robert Dawson (Photography), John Edmark (Design), Lukas Felzmann (Photography), Valerie Gonzalez (Islamic Art), David Laderman (Film Studies), Adam Tobin (Screenwriting)

Affiliated Professor: John H. Merryman (Law, emeritus)

Department Offices: Room 101, Cummings Art Building

Mail Code: 94305-2018

Phone: (650) 723-3404

Web Site:

Courses offered by the Department of Art & Art History are listed on the Stanford Bulletin's ExploreCourses web site under the subject codes ARTHIST (Art History), ARTSTUDI (Art Practice), FILMSTUD (Film Studies), and FILMPROD (Film Practice).


The department offers courses of study in: (1) the history of art, (2) the practice of art (studio), and (3) film and media studies, leading to the following degrees: B.A. degree in Art History; B.A. degree in Art Practice; B.A. degree in Film and Media Studies; M.F.A. degree in Art Practice; M.F.A. degree in Design; M.F.A. degree in Documentary Film and Video; Ph.D. degree in Art History.

The undergraduate program is designed to help students think critically about the visual arts and visual culture. Courses focus on the meaning of images and media, and their historical development, roles in society, and relationships to disciplines such as literature, music, and philosophy. Work performed in the classroom, studio, and screening room is designed to develop a student's powers of perception, capacity for visual analysis, and knowledge of technical processes.


The department expects undergraduate majors in the program to be able to demonstrate the following learning outcomes. These learning outcomes are used in evaluating students and the department's undergraduate program. Students are expected to demonstrate:

  1. knowledge and awareness of art terminology and concepts.
  2. ability to develop effective and nuanced lines of interpretation.
  3. improved critical thinking skills using primary and secondary source materials.
  4. improvement in analytical writing skills and close reading skills.
  5. ability to form and validate their own and others' opinions through knowledge of artistic movements and sociohistorical events.


The Iris and B. Gerald Cantor Center for Visual Arts at Stanford University is a major resource for the department. The center offers a 22,000-object collection on view in rotating installations in 18 galleries, the Rodin Sculpture Garden, and special exhibitions, educational programs, and events. Through collaborations with the teaching program, student internships, and student activities, the Center provides a rich resource for Stanford students.

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