Latin American Studies Cognate Courses
The following courses may be used to satisfy requirements for the M.A degree, honors, or minor in Latin American Studies. Consult the Stanford Bulletin's ExploreCourses web site for full course descriptions and class schedules.
When selecting courses from this list, please be aware of the following:
- Overseas Studies courses, denoted by the subject codes OSPMADRD or OSPSANTG, apply only to the undergraduate minor or honors programs and are not options for M.A. students.
- Courses with numbers ending in the letter N or Q are Introductory Seminars for undergraduates and are not options for M.A. students. Courses ending in N give preference to freshmen; courses ending in Q give preference to sophomores.
- All courses to be counted toward the M.A., minor, or honors in Latin American Studies must be taken at the 100-level or higher, with the exception of Overseas Studies courses included on this list (see also note 1, above).
- All courses to be counted toward the M.A., minor, or honors in Latin American Studies must be taken for a letter grade.
- For the M.A. degree, cognate courses must be taken for 5 units each. M.A. elective courses may be taken for 3-5 units each.
- Some courses have prerequisites or special enrollment requirements. Students are responsible for making sure they have completed any prerequisites and/or secured an instructor's permission, as needed.
- ANTHRO 100C. Chavin de Huantar Research Seminar
- ANTHRO 101. The Aztecs and Their Ancestors: Introduction to Mesoamerican Archaeology
- ANTHRO 120. The Maya
- ARTHIST 494. Caribbean and Latin American Art
- COMPLIT 121. Poems, Poetry, Worlds: An Introductory Course
- COMPLIT 142. The Literature of the Americas (same as AMSTUD 142, ENGLISH 172E)
- COMPLIT 332. The Transatlantic Renaissance (same as ENGLISH 310)
- EDUC 178X. Latino Families, Languages, and Schools
- HISTORY 70. Culture, Politics, and Society in Latin America
- HISTORY 106B. Global Human Geography: Europe and Americas
- HISTORY 170. Colonial Latin America
- HISTORY 170B. Culture, Society and Politics in Latin America (minor/honors survey course)
- HISTORY 175. Modern Mexico
- HISTORY 203E. Global Catholicism
- HISTORY 208C. History of Death and Dying
- HISTORY 273G. Geographical Imagination & the Making of Brazil & the Hispanic-American States, 1750-1850
- HISTORY 275G. Religion in Colonial Latin America and the Iberian World (same as HISTORY 375G)
- HISTORY 372B. Frontiers of Iberian and Latin American Culture and History (same as HISTORY 272B, ILAC 272B, ILAC 372B) (M.A. core course and honors seminar)
- ILAC 106N. Contemporary Latin American Literature in Translation
- ILAC 114N. Lyric Poetry
- ILAC 118N. Slavery and Freedom, Madness and Reason in Brazil; the Fiction of Machado de Assis
- ILAC 121. Narratives of Affect
- ILAC 131. Cultural Perspectives in the Luso-Hispanic Americas
- ILAC 161. Modern Latin American Literature
- ILAC 193Q. Spaces and Voices of Brazil through Film (same as PORTLANG 193Q)
- ILAC 212. Cuban Cinema since the Revolution
- ILAC 239. Borges and Translation
- ILAC 258. New Lat American Short Stories and Films (1980-2009): a Survey (same as ILAC 158)
- ILAC 262. The Literature of Elena Poniatowska
- ILAC 264. Visions of the Andes (same as ILAC 364)
- ILAC 271. Brazilian Presence: Landscape, Life and Literature
- ILAC 280. Latina/o Literature (same as CHICANST 200, CSRE 200, ILAC 382)
- OSPMADRD 50. Flirting with Spanish Metafiction: Cervantes, Velázquez, Fuentes, Almodóvar
- OSPSANTG 10. Borges and Argentina
- OSPSANTG 11. Dance and Culture in Latin America
- OSPSANTG 14. Women Writers of Latin America in the 20th Century
- OSPSANTG 15. Dances of Latin America
- OSPSANTG 62. Topics in Chilean History
- OSPSANTG 68. The Emergence of Nations in Latin America
- OSPSANTG 104X. Modernization and Culture in Latin America
- OSPSANTG 116X. Modernization and its Discontents: Chilean Politics at the Turn of the Century
- OSPSANTG 118X. Artistic Expression in Latin America
- SOC 264. Immigration and the Changing United States (same as CHICANST 164, CSRE 164, SOC 164)
- ANTHRO 259. Conservation and Development Dilemmas in Latin America: Galapagos as Microcosm (same as ANTHRO 159) (M.A. core course)
- ANTHRO 260. Social and Environmental Sustainability: The Costa Rican Case (same as ANTHRO 160)
- ANTHRO 277. Environmental Change and Emerging Infectious Diseases (same as ANTHRO 177, HUMBIO 114)
- BIO 175. Tropical Ecology and Conservation
- CEE 265A. Sustainable Water Resources Development
- CEE 265D. Water and Sanitation in Developing Countries
- EARTHSYS 173. Aquaculture and the Environment: Science, History, and Policy (EARTHSYS 273, EESS 173, EESS 273)
- EARTHSYS 253. Soils and Nutrient Cycling in the Amazon Rainforest (same as EARTHSYS 153, EESS 153, EESS 253)
- HUMBIO 129. Critical Issues in International Women's Health
- OSPSANTG 58. Living Chile: A Land of Extremes
- OSPSANTG 71. Santiago: Urban Planning, Public Policy, and the Built Environment
- OSPSANTG 85. Marine Ecology of Chile and the South Pacific
- PEDS 221. Health and Inequity in Latin America
- ECON 106. World Food Economy (EARTHSYS 106, EESS 106)
- ECON 127. Economics of Health Improvement in Developing Countries (same as MED 262)
- ECON 217. Topics in Latin American Macroeconomics and Development
- EDUC 306A. Economics of Education in the Global Economy
- INTNLREL 141A. Camera as Witness: International Human Rights Documentaries
- INTNLREL 147. The Political Economy of the Southern Cone of South America
- INTNLREL 148. Economic Integration of the Americas
- LAW 584. Comparative and International Freedom of Press: US, Latin America, and Inter-American System
- LAW 658A. International Human Rights and Conflict Resolution Clinic: Clinical Practice
- OSPSANTG 119X. The Chilean Economy: History, International Relations, and Development Strategies
- OSPSANTG 129X. Latin America in the International System
- OSPSANTG 130X. The Chilean Economy in Comparative Perspective
- OSPSANTG 221X. Political Transition and Democratic Consolidation: Chile in Comparative Perspective
- POLISCI 248S. Latin American Politics (M.A. core course)
- POLISCI 327. Minority Behavior and Representation
- POLISCI 440B. Political Economy of Development (same as HISTORY 378E)