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Emmett Interdisiplinary Program in Environment and Resources (E-IPER)

Director: Peter Vitousek (Biology)

Associate Director: Helen J. Doyle

Faculty: Nicole Ardoin (Education, Woods Institute for the Environment), Kevin Arrigo (Environmental Earth System Science), Kenneth J. Arrow (Economics, emeritus), Gregory Asner (Geological and Environmental Sciences, Carnegie Institution), Shilajeet Banerjee (Mechanical Engineering), William Barnett (Business), Michele Barry (Medicine), Sally M. Benson (Energy Resources Engineering, Global Climate and Energy Program), Sarah L. Billington (Civil and Environmental Engineering), Douglas W. Bird (Anthropology), Rebecca Bliege Bird (Anthropology), Barbara Block (Biology), Alexandria Boehm (Civil and Environmental Engineering), Carol Boggs (Biology), Jef Caers (Energy Resources Engineering), Ken Caldeira (Geological and Environmental Sciences, Carnegie Institution), Margaret Caldwell (Law), Karen Casciotti (Environmental Earth System Science), Page Chamberlain (Environmental Earth System Science), Joshua Cohen (Political Science), Craig S. Criddle (Civil and Environmental Engineering), Larry B. Crowder (Biology), Lisa Curran (Anthropology, Woods Institute for the Environment), Gretchen C. Daily (Biology), Jennifer Davis (Civil and Environmental Engineering, Woods Institute for the Environment), Noah Diffenbaugh (Environmental Earth System Science, Woods Institute for the Environment), Rodolfo Dirzo (Biology), Robert B. Dunbar (Environmental Earth System Science), William H. Durham (Anthropology), Anne Ehrlich (Biology), Paul Ehrlich (Biology), Gary Ernst (Geological and Environmental Sciences, emeritus), Walter Falcon (Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies, emeritus), Scott Fendorf (Environmental Earth System Science), James Ferguson (Anthropology), Christopher B. Field (Biology, Environmental Earth System Science, Carnegie Institution), Martin Fischer (Civil and Environmental Engineering), Zephyr Frank (History), David Freyberg (Civil and Environmental Engineering), Oliver Fringer (Civil and Environmental Engineering), Tadashi Fukami (Biology), Margot Gerritsen (Energy Resources Engineering), Steven Gorelick (Environmental Earth System Science), Mark Granovetter (Sociology), Elizabeth Hadly (Biology), Ursula Heise (English), Thomas Heller (Law), Henning Hillmann (Sociology), Dominique Irvine (Anthropology), Mark Jacobson (Civil and Environmental Engineering), James Holland Jones (Anthropology, Woods Institute for the Environment), Terry Karl (Political Science), David Kennedy (History), Donald Kennedy (Biology, emeritus, Woods Institute for the Environment), Julie Kennedy (Environmental Earth System Science), Herve Kieffel (Management Science and Engineering), Brian Knutson (Psychology), Jeffrey Koseff (Civil and Environmental Engineering, Woods Institute for the Environment), Anthony Kovscek (Energy Resources Engineering), Eric Lambin (Environmental Earth System Science, Woods Institute for the Environment), Raymond Levitt (Civil and Environmental Engineering), David Lobell (Environmental Earth System Science, Woods Institute for the Environment), Richard Luthy (Civil and Environmental Engineering), Janet Martinez (Law), Gilbert M. Masters (Civil and Environmental Engineering, emeritus), Michael D. Mastrandrea (Woods Institute for the Environment), Pamela Matson (Dean, School of Earth Sciences), Douglas McAdam (Sociology), Michael D. McGehee (Materials Science and Engineering), Lynn Meskell (Anthropology), Anna Michalak (Global Ecology, Carnegie Institution), Fiorenza Micheli (Biology), Grant Miller (Medicine), Stephen Monismith (Civil and Environmental Engineering), Harold Mooney (Biology), Rosamond Naylor (Environmental Earth System Science), Leonard Ortolano (Civil and Environmental Engineering), Stephen Palumbi (Biology), Erica Plambeck (Business), Walter W. Powell (Education), Dariush Rafinejad (Management Science and Engineering), Ram Rajagopal (Civil and Environmental Engineering), Stefan J. Reichelstein (Business), Thomas N. Robinson (Medicine), Terry L. Root (Woods Institute for the Environment), Robert Sapolsky (Biology, Neurology, Neurological Sciences), Debra Satz (Philosophy), Gary Schoolnik (Medicine), Richard Scott (Sociology), Sarah A. Soule (Business), Stephen Stedman (Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies), James Sweeney (Management Science and Engineering, Precourt Energy Efficiency Center), Barton Thompson (Law, Woods Institute for the Environment), Shripad Tuljapurkar (Biology), Peter Vitousek (Biology), Michael Wara (Law), Jeremy Weinstein (Political Science), John Weyant (Management Science and Engineering, Precourt Energy Efficiency Center), Richard White (History), Jennifer Wilcox (Energy Resources Engineering), Michael Wilcox (Anthropology), Mark Zoback (Geophysics)

Lecturers: Jon Christensen, Thomas Hayden

Program Offices: Yang and Yamazaki (Y2E2) Building, Suite 226

Mail Code: 4210

Phone: (650) 723-6117

Email: [email protected]

Web Site:

Courses offered by the Emmett Interdisciplinary Program in Environment and Resources are listed under the subject code ENVRES on the Stanford Bulletin's ExploreCourses web site.

The Emmett Interdisciplinary Program in Environment and Resources (E-IPER) is designed to create interdisciplinary scholars and leaders who can address the world's most challenging environmental and sustainability issues. E-IPER students combine academic disciplines, including natural and earth sciences, engineering, economics, humanities, social sciences, law, health, policy, and business, to yield new insights and novel solutions to urgent global problems, such as energy use, climate change, food security, freshwater availability, depletion of ocean resources, land degradation, and biodiversity loss.

E-IPER offers a Ph.D. in Environment and Resources and, for students currently enrolled in Stanford's Graduate School of Business, Stanford Law School, and School of Medicine, a joint degree consisting of an M.S. in Environment and Resources in combination with their professional degree. Both E-IPER's Ph.D. and M.S. degrees are interdisciplinary, giving students exposure to environmental and sustainability issues and insight into new knowledge, technologies, and policies to help solve these problems. Within the guidelines of their respective degrees, E-IPER students are advised by and take classes from faculty in all seven schools of the University.

Through their original research and their work in policy and industry, E-IPER students address issues such as the science and policy of global climate change, regional food security, the mapping and valuation of ecosystem services, the development of new energy technologies, the effects of agricultural intensification and other land use changes, and conservation finance. For additional information about E-IPER students, see

E-IPER's affiliated faculty members come from all seven Stanford schools. Collectively, they represent an extraordinary diversity of environment and sustainability interests and breadth of research and policy approaches. More information about individual faculty can be found at More details about Stanford's interdisciplinary environmental research and policy work generally can be found on the Woods Institute for the Environment's web site.

Graduate Programs in Environment and Resources

The University's basic requirements for the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees are discussed in the "Graduate Degrees" section of this bulletin. The E-IPER Ph.D. and M.S. degrees are guided by comprehensive requirements created with faculty and student input and approved by E-IPER's executive committee. To access the current Ph.D. and M.S. degree requirement documents, see

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