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Minors in East Asian Languages and Cultures

Minor in Chinese or Japanese

The undergraduate minors in Chinese and Japanese have been designed to give students majoring in other departments an opportunity to gain a substantial introduction to Chinese or Japanese language, as well as an introduction to the culture and civilization of East Asia. The minors consist of a minimum of 20 units from the following requirements:

  1. Completion of language study through the second-year level (that is, the one year sequence of CHINLANG 21, 22, 23 or 21B, 22B, 23B; or JAPANLNG 17, 18, 19) for students with no previous training in Chinese or Japanese. Students who already have first-year competence in Chinese or Japanese must complete the third-year course (CHINLANG 101, 102, 103 or 101B, 102B, 103B; or JAPANLNG 117, 118, 119). Students who already have a competence at the second-year level may fulfill the language component of the minor by taking three courses in the department using materials in either Chinese or Japanese. These courses may be language courses such as the third-year sequence mentioned above, the fourth-year language sequence, or they may be advanced literature and linguistics courses, depending on the capabilities and interests of the student.
  2. The core courses, CHINGEN 91, Traditional East Asian Civilization: China, and JAPANGEN 92, Traditional East Asian Civilization: Japan.
  3. Two courses selected from among the department's other offerings in the literature, linguistics, and civilization of a given minor area (CHINGEN, CHINLIT, JAPANGEN, JAPANLIT). All courses for the minor must be taken for a letter grade and completed with a GPA of 2.0 or better.

Minor in East Asian Studies

The goal of the minor in East Asian Studies is to provide the student with a broad background in East Asian culture as a whole, while allowing the student to focus on a geographical or temporal aspect of East Asia. The minor may be designed from the following, for a total of six courses and a minimum of 20 units. All courses should be taken for a letter grade.

  1. Three area courses, one in each category (see major for listing of area courses).
  2. One undergraduate seminar above the 100 level and two other courses from among those listed as approved for East Asian Studies majors, including literature courses but excluding language courses. These courses are listed under East Asian Studies (EASTASN) in this bulletin, and under CHINGEN, CHINLIT, JAPANGEN, and JAPANLIT.

Applications for the minor should be submitted online through Axess and are due no later than the second quarter of the junior year.

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