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Ph.D. Minor in Philosophy

To obtain a Ph.D. minor in Philosophy, students must follow these procedures:

  1. Consult with the Director of Graduate Study to establish eligibility, and select a suitable adviser.
  2. Give to the department academic assistant a signed copy of the program of study (designed with the adviser) which offers:
    1. 30 units of courses in the Department of Philosophy with a letter grade of 'B-' or better in each course. No more than 3 units of directed reading may be counted in the 30-unit requirement.
    2. At least one course or seminar numbered over 99 to be taken in each of these five areas:
      1. Logic
      2. Philosophy of science
      3. Ethics, value theory, and moral and political philosophy
      4. Metaphysics, epistemology, and philosophy of language
      5. History of philosophy
    3. Two additional courses numbered over 199 to be taken in one of those (b) five areas.
  3. A faculty member from the Department of Philosophy (usually the student's adviser) serves on the student's doctoral oral examination committee and may request that up to one third of this examination be devoted to the minor subject.
  4. Paperwork for the minor must be submitted to the department office before beginning the program.


The following courses have substantial philosophical content. However, in the absence of special permission these courses cannot generally be used to satisfy requirements for the Philosophy major or graduate degrees in Philosophy.

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