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Master of Science in Geophysics

Objectives—To enhance the student's training for professional work in geophysics through the completion of fundamental courses, both in the major fields and in related sciences, and to begin independent work and specialization.

Requirements for the Degree—The candidate must complete 45 units from the following groups of courses:

  1. Complete 15 units of Geophysics lecture courses with at least 9 units numbered 200 or higher.
  2. Complete six units numbered 100 or higher and three units of 200-level, non-Geophysics lecture courses in earth sciences.
  3. Complete one to four electives selected from courses numbered 100 or higher from mathematics, chemistry, engineering, physics, relevant biology, computer science, ecology, hydrology, or Earth science. At least one course must be numbered 200 or higher.
  4. At least 9, but not more than 18, of the 45 units must be independent work on a research problem resulting in a written report accepted and archived by the candidate's faculty adviser. Normally, this research is undertaken as part of the candidate's participation in multiple quarters of research seminar (GEOPHYS 385 series). A summer internship is encouraged as a venue for research, but no academic credit is given.
  5. Submit a program proposal for approval by a faculty adviser in the first quarter of enrollment.
  6. Each candidate must present and defend the results of his or her research at a public oral presentation attended by at least two faculty members; and turn in a thesis/report to adviser.
  7. Students are required to attend department seminars.

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