Institute for Computational and Mathematical Engineering
Emeritus: (Professor) Joe Keller (Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering)
Director: Margot Gerritsen (Energy Resources Engineering)
Professors: Biondo Biondi (Geophysics), Stephen Boyd (Electrical Engineering), Emanuel Candes (Mathematics, Statistics), Gunnar Carlsson (Mathematics), Persi Diaconis (Mathematics, Statistics), David Donoho (Statistics), Charbel Farhat (Aeronautics and Astronautics, Mechanical Engineering), Peter Glynn (Management Science and Engineering), Leonidas Guibas (Computer Science), Pat Hanrahan (Computer Science, Electrical Engineering), Jerry Harris (Geophysics), Peter Kitanidis (Civil and Environmental Engineering), Tze Leung Lai (Statistics), Sanjiva Lele (Mechanical Engineering, Aeronautics and Astronautics), Parviz Moin (Mechanical Engineering), Brad Osgood (Electrical Engineering), George Papanicolaou (Mathematics), Peter Pinsky ( Mechanical Engineering), Lenya Ryzhik (Mathematics), Eric Shaqfeh (Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering), Andras Vasy (Mathematics), Lawrence Wein (Graduate School of Business), Wing Wong (Statistics), Yinyu Ye (Management Science and Engineering)
Associate Professors: Juan Alonso (Aeronautics and Astronautics), Eric Darve (Mechanical Engineering), Ronald Fedkiw (Computer Science), Oliver Fringer (Civil and Environmental Engineering), Margot Gerritsen (Energy Resources Engineering), Ashish Goel (Management Science and Engineering), Ramesh Johari (Management Science and Engineering), Amin Saberi (Management Science and Engineering), Hamdi Tchelepi (Energy Resources Engineering), Benjamin Van Roy (Management Science and Engineering, Electrical Engineering)
Assistant Professors: Eric Dunham (Geophysics), Gianluca Iaccarino (Mechanical Engineering), Adrian Lew (Mechanical Engineering), Andrew Spakowitz (Chemical Engineering)
Professors (Research): Antony Jameson (Aeronautics and Astronautics), Walter Murray (Management Science and Engineering), Arogyaswami Paulraj (Electrical Engineering), Michael A. Saunders (Management Science and Engineering)
Senior Lecturer: Vadim Khayms
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Mail Code: 94305-4042
Phone: (650) 736-9038
Courses offered by the Institute for Computational and Mathematical Engineering are listed under the subject code CME on the Stanford Bulletin's ExploreCourses web site.
The central research mission of the Institute for Computational and Mathematical Engineering (ICME) is to develop sophisticated algorithmic and mathematical tools that impact many applied disciplines. ICME leverages Stanford's strengths in engineering applications and the physical, biological, mathematical and information sciences to guide the development of modern methods for research and education in computational mathematics.
ICME's teaching mission is to provide courses for graduate students and undergraduates from all departments in the mathematical sciences focusing on theoretical work and its role in the solution of real problems, integrating numerical computation to facilitate application of mathematical techniques and theories. The institute identifies research areas that benefit from a multidisciplinary approach in which computational mathematics plays a key role such as discrete mathematics, including computational probability and combinatorial optimization, optimization, stochastics, and numerical solution of partial differential equations. Research applications include the physical sciences, business, medicine, and information science.
A strength of ICME is its multidisciplinary intellectual environment, with interaction among students and faculty with diverse backgrounds and expertise. ICME offers service courses for undergraduates and graduate students to fulfill departmental requirements, core courses for M.S. and Ph.D. students in Scientific Computing and Computational Mathematics, and specialized electives in various application areas.
Graduate Programs in Computational and Mathematical Engineering
University regulations governing the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees are described in the "Graduate Degrees" section of this bulletin.