Materials Science and Engineering
Emeriti: (Professors) Clayton W. Bates, John C. Bravman, Richard H. Bube, Theodore H. Geballe,* Stig B. Hagstrom,* Robert A. Huggins,* William D. Nix,* Oleg D. Sherby, John C. Shyne, William A. Tiller, Robert L. White*; Robert S. Feigelson* (Professor, Research)
Chair: Robert Sinclair
Associate Chair: Reinhold H. Dauskardt
Professors: David M. Barnett, Arthur I. Bienenstock, Bruce M. Clemens, Reinhold H. Dauskardt, Friedrich B. Prinz, Robert Sinclair, Shan X. Wang
Associate Professors: Mark L. Brongersma, Yi Cui, Michael D. McGehee, Paul C. McIntyre
Assistant Professors: Jennifer A. Dionne, Sarah C. Heilshorn, Aaron M. Lindenberg, Nicholas A. Melosh, Evan J. Reed, Alberto Salleo
Courtesy Professors: Stacey F. Bent, Curtis W. Frank, Sanjiv Gambhir, Geoffrey C. Gurtner, James S. Harris, Michael T. Longaker, Yoshio Nishi, James D. Plummer, Krishna Saraswat, Jonathan F. Stebbins, Joachim Stohr
Courtesy Associate Professor: Wei Cai, Ian R. Fisher
Lecturers: Ann Marshall, Arturas Vailionis
Acting Assistant Professor: Christopher M. Earhart
Consulting Professors: Robert Fontana, Turgut Gur, Michael A. Kelly, Rommel Noufi, Baylor Triplett, Robert M. White
Consulting Associate Professors: Geraud Dubois
* Recalled to active duty.
Department Offices: 496 Lomita Mall, Durand Building
Mail Code: 94305-4034
Phone: (650) 723-2534
Email: [email protected]
Web Site:
Courses offered by the Department of Materials Science and Engineering are listed under the subject code MATSCI on the Stanford Bulletin's ExploreCourses web site.
The Department of Materials Science and Engineering is concerned with the relation between the structure and properties of materials, factors that control the internal structure of solids, and processes for altering their structure and properties, particularly at the nanoscale.
The mission of the undergraduate program in Materials Science and Engineering is to provide students with a strong foundation in materials science and engineering with emphasis on the fundamental scientific and engineering principles which underlie the knowledge and implementation of material structure, processing, properties, and performance of all classes of materials used in engineering systems. Courses in the program develop students' knowledge of modern materials science and engineering, teach them to apply this knowledge analytically to create effective and novel solutions to practical problems, and develop their communication skills and ability to work collaboratively. The program prepares students for careers in industry and for further study in graduate school.
The B.S. in Materials Science and Engineering provides training for the materials engineer and also preparatory training for graduate work in materials science. Capable undergraduates are encouraged to take at least one year of graduate study to extend their course work through the coterminal degree program which leads to an M.S. in Materials Science and Engineering. Coterminal degree programs are encouraged both for undergraduate majors in Materials Science and Engineering and for undergraduate majors in related disciplines.
The department also hosts the School of Engineering undergraduate major in Engineering Physics leading to a B.S. in Engineering.
Graduate programs lead to the degrees of Master of Science, Engineer, and Doctor of Philosophy. Graduate students can specialize in any of the areas of materials science and engineering.
The department is based in the William F. Durand Building, with extensive facilities in the Jack A. McCullough building and the Gordon and Betty Moore Materials Research Building. These buildings house offices for the chair and most of the faculty, for the administrative and technical staff, and for most graduate students, along with lecture and seminar rooms. Facilities for teaching and research are also available, including equipment for electrical measurements; mechanical testing of bulk and thin film materials; fracture and fatigue of advanced materials; metallography; optical, scanning, transmission electron microscopy, and atomic force microscopy; UHV sputter deposition; vacuum annealing treatments; wet chemistry; and x-ray diffraction. The McCullough/Moore Complex is also the home for the Center for Magnetic Nanotechnology, with corresponding facilities for magnetic measurements, and to the Stanford Nanocharacterization Laboratory (SNL). The Rapid Prototyping Laboratory (RPL), housing material deposition and removal stations, is a joint facility with Mechanical Engineering, and is housed in Building 530. The department maintains a microcomputer cluster for its students, which is linked to the internet.
Depending on the needs of their programs, students and faculty also conduct research in a number of other departments and independent laboratories. Chief among these are the Stanford Nanofabrication Facility (SNF), the Geballe Laboratory for Advanced Materials (GLAM), and the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory.
The Stanford Nanofabrication Facility (SNF) is a laboratory joining government and industrially funded research on microelectronic materials, devices, and systems. It houses a 10,000 square foot, class 100 clean room for Si and GaAs integrated circuit fabrication; a large number of electronic test, materials analysis, and computer facilities; and office space for faculty, staff, and students. In addition, the Center for Integrated Systems (CIS) provides startup research funds and maintains a fellow-mentor program with industry.