Center for
School of Engineering
Stanford University
The Center for Integrated Systems is a partnership between Stanford University and member industrial firms to produce world-class research and Ph.D. graduates in fields related to integrated systems."Integrated systems" refers to complex interactions across hardware and software at several levels of structure, and to semiconductor, electronics, and computer systems within the context of real-world applications. CIS research, Ph.D. fellowships, and information-exchange programs draw on the unique strengths of the University and industry to enhance the productivity and competitiveness of both sectors.
- Teaming graduate students, faculty and industrial liaisons through research.
- Conducting research on conceptual design and feasibility of various systems, including the development of new design concepts and the ensuing process for implementation and manufacturing.
- Exploring long-range technology and device options for VLSI systems.
- Addressing high-level specification issues, including implementation, refinement, and testing.
- Accelerating technology transfer with industry.
- Providing a forum for the exchange of best practices (technical and management) among our industrial partners and between our partner companies and Stanford.
In the partnership, CIS member companies provide financial support, interaction with their engineers and scientists, and access to resources (such as software, hardware and fabrication, etc.). Through participation by their senior executives, they also advise and guide research directions and curriculum development. CIS programs are managed through the guidance of Stanford faculty, using their standards for academic achievement.
Stanford University Policies affecting Industrial Affiliates Program Memberships