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Minor in Middle Eastern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures

The undergraduate minor in Middle Eastern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures has been designed to give students majoring in other departments an opportunity to gain a substantial introduction to Middle Eastern and African languages, and to the cultures and civilizations of the Middle East and Africa. Contact the minors adviser before declaring at [email protected].

Students declaring a minor must do so no later than the last day of the fourth quarter before degree conferral. For example, students graduating in June (Spring Quarter) must declare the minor no later than the last day of Spring Quarter of their junior year. If a student is not able to meet this deadline, he or she may petition the Language Center director and request a revised declaration date, which may be granted at the director's discretion.

The requirements for a minor in Middle Eastern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures are:

  1. Courses for the minor must be taken for a letter grade unless only offered for faculty-elected satisfactory/no credit.
  2. All courses must be completed with a letter grade of 'C' or better.
  3. Courses may not overlap with those taken for a major course of study.
  4. Relevant courses taken to fulfill a GER may count toward fulfilling both minor and GER requirements.

Cultural Studies Track

Requirements are:

  1. Completion of the language prerequisite at the beginning level, or a demonstrated equivalent competence.
  2. In the case of Arabic, completion of six non-language courses, including three from the AME program.
  3. In the case of Hebrew and African languages, completion of six non-language related courses. Consult minor adviser for course options.

Language Track


An undergraduate minor in Modern Languages is offered through the Division of Literatures, Cultures, and Languages and includes courses offered through the Language Center. Students should consult the "Division of Literatures, Cultures, and Languages" section of this bulletin for further details about the minor and its requirements.

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