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Doctoral Degrees in Education

The School of Education offers the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree in all program area committees. The degree is conferred by the University upon recommendation by the faculty of the School of Education and the University Committee on Graduate Studies. The Ph.D. requires a minimum of 135 units of course work and research completed at Stanford beyond the baccalaureate degree. Students may transfer up to 45 units of graduate course work. Students must consult with the doctoral programs officer if they intend to transfer prior course work. Students must maintain a grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 (B) or better in courses applicable to the degree.

Students should note that admission to the doctoral program does not constitute admission to candidacy for the degree. Students must qualify and apply for candidacy by the end of their second year of study and should obtain information about procedures and requirements during their first year from the doctoral programs officer in Cubberley 135.

The Ph.D. degree is designed for students who are preparing for research work in public school systems, branches of government, or specialized institutions; teaching roles in education in colleges or universities, and research connected with such teaching; or other careers in educational scholarship and research.

Ph.D. students must complete a minor in another discipline taught outside the school, or hold an acceptable master's degree outside the field of education, or complete an approved individually designed distributed minor that combines relevant advanced work taken in several disciplines outside the school.

Upon admission, the admitting area committee assigns an initial adviser from its faculty who works with the student to establish an appropriate and individualized course of study, a relevant minor, and project research plans. Other faculty members may also be consulted in this process. Details about administrative and academic requirements for each area committee and the School of Education, along with the expected time frame to complete program milestones, are given in the publication School of Education Doctoral Degree Handbook, available for download at

The following doctoral specializations, with their sponsoring area and concentration, are offered:

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