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Ph.D. Minor in History

Students pursuing a Ph.D. other than in History may apply for the Ph.D. Minor in History. Ph.D. students cannot pursue a minor in their own program. The minimum University requirement for a Ph.D. minor is 20 units of History course work at the graduate level (courses numbered 300 and above) at Stanford. All units should be in a single field. Units taken for the minor can be counted as part of the overall requirement for the Ph.D. of 135 units taken at Stanford. Courses used for a minor may not be used to meet the requirements for a master's degree.

Requirements—20 units of History course work at the graduate level (HISTORY 300-399W and 400-499X) at Stanford. All units should be in a single field.

Optional Courses for the Minor—A Ph.D. minor form outlining the program of study must be approved by the major and minor departments.

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