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Master of Science in Geological and Environmental Sciences

Objectives—The purpose of the master's program in Geological and Environmental Sciences is to continue a student's training in one of a broad range of earth science disciplines and to prepare students for either a professional career or doctoral studies.

Procedures—The graduate coordinator of the department appoints an academic adviser during registration with appropriate consideration of the student's background, interests, and professional goals. In consultation with the adviser, the student plans a program of course work for the first year. The student should select a thesis adviser within the first year of residence and submit to the thesis adviser a proposal for thesis research as soon as possible. The academic adviser supervises completion of the department requirements for the M.S. program (as outlined below) until the research proposal has been accepted; responsibility then passes to the thesis adviser. The student may change either thesis or academic advisers by mutual agreement and after approval of the graduate coordinator.

Requirements—The University's requirements for M.S. degrees are outlined in the "Graduate Degrees" section of this bulletin. Practical training (GES 385) may be required by some programs, with adviser approval, depending on the background of the student. Additional department requirements include the following:

  1. A minimum of 45 units of course work at the 100 level or above.
    1. Half of the courses used to satisfy the 45-unit requirement must be intended as being primarily for graduate students, usually at the 200 level or above.
    2. No more than 15 units of thesis research may be used to satisfy the 45-unit requirement.
    3. Some students may be required to make up background deficiencies in addition to these basic requirements.
  2. By the end of Winter Quarter of their first year in residence, students must complete at least three courses taught by a minimum of two different GES faculty members.
  3. Each student must have a research adviser who is a faculty member in the department and is within the student's thesis topic area or specialized area of study.
  4. Each student must complete a thesis describing his or her research. Thesis research should begin during the first year of study at Stanford and should be completed before the end of the second year of residence.
  5. Early during the thesis research period, and after consultation with the student, the thesis adviser appoints a second reader for the thesis, who must be approved by the graduate coordinator; the thesis adviser is the first reader. The two readers jointly determine whether the thesis is acceptable for the M.S. degree in the department.

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