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Stanford University Ombuds: David Rasch

Ombuds Office: Mariposa House, 585 Capistrano Way, Room 210

Phone: (650) 723-3682

Fax: (650) 725-7288

Mail Code: 94305-8200

Email: [email protected]

Web Site:

School of Medicine Ombuds:

The charge to the Ombuds office at Stanford is: "The Ombudsperson's task is to protect the interests and rights of members of the Stanford community from injustices or abuses of discretion, from gross inefficiency, from unnecessary delay and complication in the administration of University rules and regulations, and from inconsistency, unfairness, unresponsiveness, and prejudice in the individual's experience with University activities. The Ombudsperson's office exists to receive, examine, and channel the complaints and grievances of members of the Stanford community, and to secure expeditious and impartial redress."

Any troublesome matter in the University community may be discussed in confidence with the University Ombuds. Services of the office are available to students, staff, and faculty. Although possessing no decision making authority, the Ombuds has wide powers of inquiry. The Ombuds refers matters to the proper person or office expeditiously and also provides conflict resolution services. For the role of the office of the Ombuds in cases of sexual harassment, see the "Non-Academic Regulations" section of this bulletin.

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