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Master of Science in Earth, Energy, and Environmental Sciences

The objective of the M.S. degree in Earth, Energy, and Environmental Sciences is to prepare the student either for a professional career or for doctoral studies.

Students in the M.S. degree program must fulfill the following requirements:

  1. Complete EARTHSCI 300, Earth Sciences Seminar, during their first quarter of enrollment.
  2. Complete a 45-unit program of study, of which a minimum of 30 units must be course work, with the remainder consisting of no more than 15 research units.
  3. Course work units must be divided among two or more scientific and/or engineering disciplines and can include the three core courses required for the Ph.D. degree.
  4. The program of study must be approved by the research adviser and the academic oversight committee.
  5. Each candidate must either present and defend the results of his or her research at a public oral presentation attended by the candidate's advisor at least two faculty members, or submit a thesis/report to the candidate's adviser and at least two faculty members.

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