Definition and Explanation of Grading Systems
All grades/notations for courses taken in 1995-96 or later are to be visible on student transcripts. Effective Summer Quarter 2008-09, the notation * was changed to GNR (Grade Not Reported).
A (+,-) |
Excellent |
B (+,-) |
Good |
C (+,-) |
Satisfactory |
D (+,-) |
Minimal pass |
Plus (+) and minus (-) may be used as modifiers with the above letter grades |
NP |
Not Passed |
NC |
No Credit (unsatisfactory performance, 'D+' or below equivalent, in a class taken on a satisfactory/no credit basis) |
CR |
Credit (student-elected satisfactory; A, B, or C equivalent) |
S |
No-option Satisfactory; A, B, or C equivalent |
L |
Pass, letter grade to be reported |
W |
Withdraw |
N |
Continuing course |
I |
Incomplete |
RP |
Repeated Course |
* |
No grade reported (effective through Spring 2008-09). |
Grade not reported (effective beginning Autumn Quarter 2009-10). |
NC |
The notation 'NC' represents unsatisfactory performance in courses taken on a satisfactory/no credit basis. Performance is equivalent to letter grade 'D+' or below. |
NP |
The notation 'NP' is used by instructors in courses taken for a letter grade that are not passed. |
CR |
In a course for which some students receive letter grades, the 'CR' represents performance that is satisfactory or better when the student has elected the 'CR' grading option. |
S |
For an activity course or a course in which the instructor elects to grade students only on a satisfactory/no credit basis, the 'S' represents performance that is satisfactory or better. For such a course, no letter grades may be assigned for satisfactorily completed work. It should be noted that the Registrar is unable to record course grades submitted when the instructor has not observed the required distinction between 'S' and 'CR.' The 'satisfactory' options are intended to relieve the pressure on students for achievement in grades. The 'satisfactory' options in no way imply fewer or different course work requirements than those required of students who elect evaluation with a letter grade. A department may limit the number of 'satisfactory' courses to count for a major program. No more than 36 units of Stanford course work (including activity courses) in which a 'CR' or 'S' was awarded can be applied toward the 180 (225 if dual degrees are being pursued) units required for a bachelor's degree. Transfer students are limited to 27 'CR' or 'S' units applied to the 180/225 minimum. |
L |
The 'L' is a temporary notation that represents creditable completion of a course for which the student will receive a permanent letter grade before the start of the next quarter. The 'L' is given when the instructor needs additional time to determine the specific grade to be recorded, but it is not appropriate if additional work is expected to be submitted by the student. A student receives unit credit for work graded 'L.' |
N |
The 'N' indicates satisfactory progress in a course that has not yet reached completion. Continuation courses need not continue at the same number of units, but the grade for all quarters of such a course must be the same. |
N- |
The 'N-' grade indicates unsatisfactory progress in a continuing course. The first 'N-' grade constitutes a warning. The adviser, department chair, and student should discuss the deficiencies and agree on the steps necessary to correct them. A second consecutive 'N-' will normally cause the department to deny the student further registration until a written plan for the completion of the degree requirements has been submitted by the student and accepted by the department. Subsequent 'N-' grades are grounds for dismissal from the program. |
I |
The 'I' is restricted to cases in which the student has satisfactorily completed a substantial part of the course work. No credit will be given until the course is completed and a passing grade received. When a final grade is received, all reference to the initial 'I' is removed. 'I' grades must be changed to a permanent notation or grade within a maximum of one year. If an incomplete grade is not cleared at the end of one year, it is changed automatically by the Office of the University Registrar to an 'NP' (not passed) or 'NC' (no credit) as appropriate for the grading method of the course. Students must request an incomplete grade by the last class meeting. Faculty may determine whether to grant the request or not. Faculty are free to determine the conditions under which the incomplete is made up, including setting a deadline of less than one year. |
RP |
The notation 'RP' (meaning Repeated Course) replaces the original grade recorded for a course when a student retakes a course. (See the "Repeated Courses" section of this bulletin.) |
W |
The notation 'W' (meaning Withdraw) is recorded when a student withdraws from a course. |
* |
The '*' symbol appears when no grade has been reported to the Registrar for courses taken prior to 2001-02. The '*' symbol remains on the transcript until a grade has been reported (effective through Spring 2008-09). |
The notation 'GNR' appears when no grade has been reported to the Registrar. The 'GNR' notation remains on the transcript until a grade has been reported. (Effective beginning Autumn Quarter 2009-10.) |