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Overseas Studies Courses in Human Biology

For course descriptions and additional offerings, see the listings in the Stanford Bulletin's ExploreCourses web site ( or the Bing Overseas Studies web site ( Students should consult their department or program's student services office for applicability of Overseas Studies courses to a major or minor program.

Autumn Quarter


OSPAUSTL 10. Coral Reef Ecosystems. 3 units, Kevin Arrigo, Selina Ward, GER:DB:EngrAppSci

OSPAUSTL 20. Coastal Resource Management. 3 units, Ron Johnstone, GER:DB:EngrAppSci

OSPAUSTL 30. Coastal Forest Ecosystems. 3 units, Claire Baker, Catherine Lovelock, GER:DB:EngrAppSci


OSPPARIS 153X. Health Systems and Health Insurance: France and the U.S., a Comparison across Space and Time. 4-5 units, Jean-Marie Fessler, GER:DB:SocSci, EC:GlobCom

Winter Quarter

Cape Town

OSPCPTWN 43. Public and Community Health in Sub-Saharan Africa. 4 units, Diane Cooper


OSPFLOR 66. Da Vinci: Renaissance Understanding of Anatomy. 5 units, Garry Gold


OSPMADRD 72. Issues in Bioethics Across Cultures. 5 units, Staff

Spring Quarter

Cape Town

OSPCPTWN 43. Public and Community Health in Sub-Saharan Africa. 4 units, Diane Cooper


OSPFLOR 57. Global Change and Italian Ecosystems: Management and Conservation for Mitigation. 4 units, Stefano Cannicci, GER:DB:NatSci


OSPMADRD 57. Health Care: A Contrastive Analysis between Spain and the U.S. 5 units, Alicia Perez Blanco, GER:DB:SocSci

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