The Continuing Studies Program
Dean and Associate Provost: Charles Junkerman
Associate Dean and Director: Dan Colman
Program Offices: 482 Galvez Mall
Mail Code: 94305-6079
Phone: (650) 725-2650; Fax: (650) 725-4248
Email: [email protected]
Web Site:
The Continuing Studies Program provides adults from Stanford and surrounding communities the opportunity to take classes on a part-time basis for intellectual enrichment, both personal and professional. Courses and events are offered in all four academic quarters, with over 350 courses planned throughout the year.
The faculty are primarily drawn from the ranks of the University's professoriate. The program presents a wide variety of courses, with a central concentration in the liberal arts, including literature, history, art and architecture, and music.
Tuition discounts are available to University employees, Stanford students and faculty, Stanford Alumni Association members, educators, and those over age 65.
For a course catalogue, contact the Continuing Studies Program by mail, phone, or email as above.
The Continuing Studies Program also administers the Master of Liberal Arts Program and Summer Session.