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Master of Science in Civil and Environmental Engineering

The following programs are available leading to the M.S. degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering:

Students admitted to graduate study with a B.S. in Civil Engineering, or equivalent, from an accredited curriculum can satisfy the requirements for the M.S. degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering by completing a minimum of 45 units beyond the B.S. All 45 units must be taken at Stanford. A minimum 2.75 grade point average (GPA) is required for candidates to be recommended for the M.S. degree. No thesis is required.

The program of study must be approved by the faculty of the department and should include at least 45 units of courses in engineering, mathematics, science, and related fields unless it can be shown that other work is pertinent to the student's objectives. Additional program area requirements are available on the department web site and from the department's student services office (Y2E2 room 316).

Candidates for the M.S. in Civil and Environmental Engineering who do not have a B.S. in Civil Engineering may, in addition to the above, be required to complete those undergraduate courses deemed important to their graduate programs. In such cases, more than three quarters is often required to obtain the degree.

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