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A student who, while on provisional registration, fails to earn a minimum of 12 units of new course work by the end of the final examination period, or who fails to achieve and maintain a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.0, shall be suspended. In addition, and on occasion, a student may also be suspended directly from probation; or may be suspended without first being placed on probation or provisional registration if the student has had a prior probation status.

While students suspended for the first time are suspended for one year, students suspended a subsequent time may be suspended for up to three years.

Students suspended for one year are not eligible to enroll for four quarters (including Summer Quarter) following the quarter in which the suspension was issued. Students suspended for up to three years are not eligible to enroll for up to twelve quarters (including Summer Quarter) following the quarter in which the suspension was issued.

As well, until re-enrollment, students who are suspended are ineligible for the privileges associated with registration—privileges that include living in University housing, participating in voluntary student organizations, and involvement in any activity for which enrollment is a requirement.

Appeal of Suspension—Students who have been suspended, and who believe they have a compelling reason to appeal their suspension, without a break in enrollment, are required to submit a Petition to Appeal Academic Suspension. Otherwise, students are expected to complete their academic suspension in full.

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