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Aeronautics and Astronautics (AA)

Completion of the undergraduate program in Aeronautics and Astronautics leads to the conferral of the Bachelor of Science in Engineering. The subplan "Aeronautics and Astronautics" appears on the transcript and on the diploma.

Mission of the Undergraduate Program in Aeronautics and Astronautics

The mission of the undergraduate program in Aeronautics and Astronautics Engineering is to provide students with the fundamental principles and techniques necessary for success and leadership in the conception, design, implementation, and operation of aerospace and related engineering systems. Courses in the major introduce students to engineering principles. Students learn to apply this fundamental knowledge to conduct laboratory experiments and aerospace system design problems. Courses in the major include engineering fundamentals, mathematics, and the sciences, as well as in-depth courses in aeronautics and astronautics, dynamics, mechanics of materials, fluids engineering, and heat transfer. The major prepares students for careers in aircraft and spacecraft engineering, space exploration, air and space-based telecommunication industries, teaching, research, military service, and many related technology-intensive fields.


Mathematics (24 units):


MATH 53 or CME 102/ENGR 155A


MATH electives1


Science (18 units):


PHYSICS 41. Mechanics


PHYSICS 43. Electricity and Magnetism


One additional Physics course


Science electives1


Technology in Society1 (one course required)


Engineering Fundamentals1; three courses minimum, including:

ENGR 30. Engineering Thermodynamics


ENGR 70A. Programming Methodology


Engineering Depth (39 units):


AA 100. Introduction to Aeronautics and Astronautics


AA 190. Directed Research in Aeronautics and Astronautics (WIM)


ENGR 15. Dynamics


CEE 101A. Mechanics of Materials
or ME 80. Strength of Materials


ME 161. Dynamic Systems
or PHYSICS 110. Intermediate Mechanics


ME 70. Introductory Fluids Engineering


ME 131A. Heat Transfer


Depth Area I2


Depth Area II2


Engineering Elective(s)3


These requirements are subject to change. The final requirements are published with sample programs in the Handbook for Undergraduate Engineering Programs.

1 Courses that satisfy the Math electives, Science electives, the Technology in Society requirement, and the Engineering Fundamentals requirement are listed in Figures 3-1, 3-2, 3-3, and 3-4 in the Handbook for Undergraduate Engineering Programs at,

2 Two of the following areas:
Fluids (AA 200, 210A, 214A, 283; ME 131B)
Structures (AA 240A, 240B, 256)
Dynamics and Controls (AA 242A, 271A, 279; ENGR 105, 205)
Systems Design (AA 241A, 241B, 236A, 236B)

3 Electives are to be approved by the adviser, and might be from the depth area lists or other upper-division Engineering courses.

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