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Ph.D. Minor in Biomedical Informatics

For a Ph.D. minor in Biomedical Informatics (BMI), a candidate must complete a minimum of 20 unduplicated units of biomedical informatics course work, including 12 units in BMI core courses from BIOMEDIN 210, 211, 212, 214, 215, 217 and 260.

The candidate must complete the one-unit MED 255, Responsible Conduct of Research, or an approved substitute.

The remaining units must be courses that would count towards the BMI master's degree, taken from any of these three areas:

Courses used for the BMI Ph.D. minor may not be double-counted to meet the requirements of a master's or Ph.D. degree.

All courses used for the BMI Ph.D. minor, except MED 255, must be taken for a letter grade and passed with an overall GPA of 3.0 or better.

This degree offering became effective in Autumn Quarter 2010-11. Courses taken prior to that date may be counted towards the BMI Ph.D. minor degree.

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