Graduate School of Business
Emeriti: (Professors) David P. Baron, William H. Beaver, Charles P. Bonini, Alain C. Enthoven,* Robert J. Flanagan,* J.Michael Harrison,* Charles A. Holloway,* Charles T. Horngren, James E. Howell, Robert K. Jaedicke, Robert L. Joss,* James G. March, Joanne Martin, Arjay Miller, James R. Miller III, William F. Miller, David B. Montgomery, George G. C. Parker,* Jerry I. Porras, Evan L. Porteus,* Michael L. Ray, Henry S. Rowen, Myron S. Scholes*, William F. Sharpe, George P. Shultz, A. Michael Spence, Venkataraman Srinivasan, James C. Van Horne, Robert B. Wilson*; (Associate Professor) Andrea Shepard; (Senior Lecturers) David L. Bradford,* Steven Brandt, Kirk O. Hanson; (Lecturer) Robert Augsburger
Dean: Garth Saloner
Senior Associate Deans: Glenn R. Carroll, Peter M. DeMarzo, Madhav Rajan
Associate Deans: Gale H. Bitter, Rajkumar Chellaraj, Sharon J. Hoffman, Ranga Jayaraman, Sharon A. Marine, Claudia J. Morgan, Blair Shane
Assistant Deans: Derrick Bolton, Pulin Sanghvi. Priya Singh, Robert Urstein
Professors: Jennifer L. Aaker, Anat R. Admati, William P. Barnett, Mary E. Barth, Jonathan Bendor, Lanier Benkard, Jonathan B. Berk, David W. Brady, Jeremy I. Bulow, Robert A. Burgelman, Glenn R. Carroll, Peter M. DeMarzo, J. Darrell Duffie, Yossi Feinberg, Francis J. Flynn, George Foster, Steven R. Grenadier, Deborah H. Gruenfeld, Michael T. Hannan, Chip Heath, Charles I. Jones, Ron Kasznik, Daniel P. Kessler, Roderick M. Kramer, Keith Krehbiel, Ilan Kremer, David M. Kreps, David F. Larcker, James M. Lattin, Edward P. Lazear, Charles M.C. Lee, Hau L. Lee, John G. McDonald, Maureen F. McNichols, Haim Mendelson, Dale T. Miller, Margaret A. Neale, Charles A. O'Reilly III, Paul Oyer, James M. Patell, Jeffrey Pfeffer, Paul C. Pfleiderer, Erica L. Plambeck, Madhav Rajan, Hayagreeva Rao, Stefan J. Reichelstein, Peter C. Reiss, Condoleezza Rice, D. John Roberts, Garth Saloner, Kathryn L. Shaw, Baba Shiv, Kenneth W. Shotts, Itamar Simonson, Kenneth J. Singleton, Andrzej Skrzypacz, Jesper Sørensen, Sarah A. Soule, Larissa Z. Tiedens, Lawrence W. Wein, Seungjin Whang, Stefanos Zenios, Jeffrey H. Zwiebel
Associate Professors: Anne Beyer, Steven Callander, Wesley Hartmann, Dirk Jenter, Uzma Khan, Jonathan Levav, Brian S. Lowery, Neil Malhotra, Benoit Monin, Elizabeth Mullen, Stefan Nagel, Harikesh S. Nair, Sridhar Narayanan, Michael Ostrovsky, Joseph D. Piotroski, Ilya A. Strebulaev, Zakary L. Tormala, S. Christian Wheeler
Assistant Professors: Mohsen Bayati, John L. Beshears, Konstantinos Bimpikis, Jules H. van Binsbergen, T. Renee Bowen, Bradyn Breon-Drish, Katherine Casey, John-Paul Ferguson, Pedro Gardete, Amir Goldberg, Ilan Guttman, Sharique Hasan, John W. Hatfield, Dan A. Iancu, Joy Ishii, Saumitra Jha, Arthur G. Korteweg, Peter Koudijs, Nicholas S. Lambert, Ivan Marinovic, Ian Martin, Maria Ogneva, Francisco Pérez-González, Mar Reguant-Rido, Stephan Seiler, Monic J. Sun, Robert P. Swinney, Ali Yurukoglu
Professor (Teaching): James A. Phills, Jr.
Acting Assistant Professors: Nir Halevy, David J. Hardisty
Courtesy Professors: Michele Barry, Eric P. Bettinger, Nicholas Bloom, Timothy F. Bresnahan, M. Kate Bundorf, Geoffrey L. Cohen, Robert M. Daines, Joseph Grunfest, Warren H. Hausman, Ronald A. Howard, Mark G. Kelman, Larry Kramer, Jonathan D. Levin, Daniel A. McFarland, Debra E. Meyerson, Paul R. Milgrom, Walter W. Powell, Ilya Segal, Robert I. Sutton, Paul Yock
Lecturers: Douglas Abbey, Matthew Abrahams, Laura K. Arrillaga-Andreessen, Rick Aubry, Kirk D. Bowman, Scott Bristol, Anne Casscells, Safra A. Catz, Jeffrey Chambers, Patricia Chang, Robert B. Chess, Michael Child, Stephen J. Ciesinski, David Demarest, Gary Dexter, David M. Dodson, R. James Ellis, Christopher M. Flink, Richard P. Francisco, Andrew S. Grove, William Guttentag, Keith Hennessey, Mary Ann Huckabay, John Hurley, Franklin P. Johnson, Jr., Efrat Kasznik, Peter B. Kelly, Dan Klein, Stuart L. Klein, Kay Kostopoulos, Mary Lang, Mark Leslie, Peter Levine, Leo E. Linbeck III, David Lockwood, R. Bruce McKern, William L. McLennan, William F. Meehan III, John P. Morgridge, Robert Pearl, John Powers, Andrew Rachleff, Jennifer Ratay, Dan Reicher, Carole Robin, Dennis M. Rohan, Howard Rosen, JD Schramm, Robert Seigel, Russell Siegelman, F. Victor Stanton, Mark A. Stevens, Myra H. Strober, Kevin Taweel, Kevin Warsh, John G.Watson, Jane Wei-Skillern, Peter C. Wendell, Lauren Zander, Amy Zegart
Consulting Professors: Anthony S. Bryk, H. Irving Grousbeck, Mark A. Wolfson
Acting Instructors: Leslie Chin, Richard Kass
Visiting Professors: Edward Kaplan, John Van Reenen
* Recalled to active duty.
The mission of the Graduate School of Business is to create ideas that deepen and advance the understanding of management and, with these ideas, develop innovative, principled, and insightful leaders.
The two-year Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.) degree program is for students who aspire to contribute to society through leadership in business, government, and the nonprofit sector. The general management curriculum rests on a foundation of social science principles and management functions layered with interdisciplinary themes of leadership, entrepreneurship, global management, and social responsibility. The M.B.A. curriculum stresses breadth rather than depth, but includes options for certificates in Global Management and Public Management. A number of joint degree programs allow the M.B.A. to be combined with degrees in the Schools of Education, Law, and Medicine, as well as interdisciplinary degrees in Public Policy and Environment and Resources. The primary criteria for admission are demonstrated leadership potential, intellectual vitality, and diversity among students. No specific undergraduate major or courses are required for admission, but experience with analytic and quantitative concepts is important. Some students enter directly following undergraduate study, but most obtain one or more years of work experience.
The Stanford Sloan Program is an intensive, one-year course of study for middle management executives leading to the degree of Master of Science in Management. Participants must have demonstrated superior achievement and are normally sponsored by their company.
Those interested in college teaching and research are served by the Doctor of Philosophy program.
For detailed information on programs, curricula, and faculty, see the School's web site at