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Graduate Admission

Matriculated Study (Graduate Students)

Applicants from colleges and universities of recognized standing who hold a U.S. bachelor's degree or its equivalent are eligible to be considered for admission for graduate study. Details regarding degrees offered in specific departments are given on the Graduate Admissions web site at The number of applicants who can be admitted for work in a particular field of study at any time is limited by the facilities and programs of the school or department and by the number of matriculated students who continue their work in that field.

As with its undergraduate program, Stanford believes that a graduate student body that is both highly qualified and diverse in terms of culture, socioeconomic status, race, ethnicity, gender, work and life experience, skills, and interests is essential to the graduate educational process. It particularly welcomes applications from African Americans, Latinos, and Native Americans, as well as from others whose backgrounds and experiences would add additional dimensions to the University's educational programs.

The Coterminal Degree Program

This program permits matriculated Stanford undergraduates to study for bachelor's and master's degrees simultaneously in the same or different departments. Application policies and procedures are established by each master's department. Applicants must have earned a minimum of 120 units toward graduation (UTG) as shown on the undergraduate unofficial transcript. This includes allowable Advanced Placement (AP) and transfer credit. Applicants must submit their application no later than the quarter prior to the expected completion of their undergraduate degree. This is normally the Winter Quarter prior to Spring Quarter graduation. Students who decide to apply for admission to master's programs after these deadlines are not eligible for the coterminal program and must apply through the regular graduate admission process.

Application Process

Specific information regarding test requirements, other application procedures and requirements, and closing dates for filing applications and supporting credentials for admission and financial aid are listed on the Graduate Admissions web site at

Graduate fellowship funds and assistantships are generally committed in March for the entire period comprising Autumn, Winter, and Spring quarters of the next academic year. Awards are seldom made to students who enter the University in Winter, Spring, and Summer quarters; such applicants must meet the same financial aid application requirements as those entering in Autumn Quarter.

Applications are to be submitted electronically for graduate programs in the schools of Business, Earth Sciences, Education, Engineering, Humanities and Sciences, and the Biosciences (non-M.D. programs in Medicine). Application instructions may be found at

For admission to the following programs, apply directly via the web sites below.

Business—Admission information is available for the M.B.A., Sloan Master's Program, and Ph.D. programs at All applications must be submitted electronically.

Law—Applicants for the JD degree should see the Law School Admissions web site at Applicants for LLM, JSM, JSD, and MLS degrees can find instructions at These applications are submitted to the Director of Admissions, School of Law, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305-8610. The Law School Admissions Test is required.

M.D. Program—Applicants should see the M.D. admissions web site at or, for additional information about the M.D. program, write to Stanford University School of Medicine, Office of M.D. Admissions, 251 Campus Drive, MSOB X3C01, Stanford, CA 94305-5404. The American Medical College Application Service (AMCAS) application is available at Applications and transcripts must be received by AMCAS by October 15. The Medical College Admissions Test is required.

Coterminal Master's Program—Interested Stanford undergraduates should contact directly the department in which they wish to pursue a master's degree and must adhere to the application deadlines described above.

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