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Emeriti: (Professor) Ronald Dorfman, Richard L. Kempson; (Professor, Clinical) Lawrence F. Eng, Luis Fajardo, Heinz Furthmayr, F. Carl Grumet, Jon Kosek; (Associate Professor) P. Joanne Cornbleet

Chair: Stephen J. Galli

Professors: Daniel Arber, Ellen Jo Baron, Gerald J. Berry, Eugene C. Butcher, Michael L. Cleary, Gerald R. Crabtree, Edgar G. Engleman, Andrew Fire, Steven Foung, Stephen J. Galli, Lawrence Tim Goodnough, Michael R. Hendrickson, Joseph S. Lipsick, Donald P. Regula, Robert V. Rouse, Richard K. Sibley, Raymond Sobel, Howard H. Sussman, Dolly Tyan, Matt van de Rijn, Hannes Vogel, Teresa S. F. Wang, Roger A. Warnke, Irving L. Weissman, James Zehnder

Associate Professors: Jeffrey D. Axelrod, Matt Bogyo, Athena M. Cherry, Andrew Connolly, Tina Cowan, James D. Faix, Dean Felsher, Susan A. Galel, Sharon M. Geaghan, John P. Higgins, Neeraja Kambham, Christina Kong, Teri A. Longacre, Sara A. Michie, Yasodha Natkunam, Bruce Patterson, Jonathan R. Pollack, Iris Schrijver, Arend Sidow

Assistant Professors: Niaz Banaei, Raffick Bowen, Magali Fontaine, Tracy George, Dita Gratzinger, F. Kim Hazard, Kristin Jensen, Bingwei Lu, Jesse McKenney, Erich Schwartz, Uma Sundram, Marius Wernig, Robert West

Courtesy Professors: Donna Bouley, Bertil Glader, Lucy Tompkins

Courtesy Associate Professor: Robert Shafer

Clinician Educators: Susan Atwater, David Bingham, Barbara Egbert, Christopher Gonzales, Terri Haddix, Jinah Kim, Amy McKenney, Melanie Manning, Reetesh Pai, Run Shi, Brent Tan, Maurene Viele

Instructors: Ching-Cheng Chen, Neng Chen, Franklin Mullins, Chris Park, Adrian Piliponsky

Adjunct Clinical Faculty: Robert Archibald, Jerome S. Burke, Glenn Cockerham, Stephen Shi-Hua Chen, Seth Haber, Maie K. Herrick, Paul W. Herrmann, Anthony Le, Steven Long, Charles Lombard, Judy Melinek, Gregory Moes, Joseph O'Hara, Girish Putcha, Mahendra Ranchod, Thomas W. Rogers, Joshua Sickel

Department Offices: Medical Center, Lane Building, L-235

Mail Code: 94305-5324

Phone: (650) 723-5255

Web Site:

Courses offered by the Department of Pathology are listed under the subject code PATH on the Stanford Bulletin's ExploreCourses web site.

Programs of Study in Pathology

The Department of Pathology offers advanced courses in aspects of pathology. The department does not offer advanced degrees in pathology, but qualified graduate students who are admitted to department-based or interdepartmental graduate programs may elect to pursue their thesis requirements in the department's research laboratories. The discipline of pathology has served as a bridge between the preclinical and clinical sciences and is concerned with the application of advances in the basic biological sciences, both to the diagnosis of human disease and the elucidation of the mechanisms of normal molecular, cellular, and organ structure and function that manifest themselves in clinical disease. Accordingly, the department's research interests extend from fundamental molecular biology to clinical-pathological correlations, with an emphasis on experimental oncology.

Investigation in the department includes basic studies in areas using molecular biological, biochemical, and genetic cell biological techniques: DNA replication in yeast and cultured eukaryotic cells, cell cycle control in animal cells and yeast, identification and pathogenetic role of chromosomal aberrations in human malignancies and mechanisms of activation of oncogenes in human and animal cells, lymphocyte and neutrophil-interactions with endothelial cells, cell type specification and signal transduction pathways leading to specific gene expression or modulation of cytoskeletal behavior; cytoskeletal architecture, cell-matrix interaction, developmental biology of hematopoietic stem cells and thymus, regulation of the immune system, mechanisms of immune and other responses in the central nervous system, and neuro-degenerative diseases. Various studies focus on the development of novel diagnostic and immunotherapeutic treatment modalities and techniques for solid tumors, lymphomas, HIV, and genetic diseases. Research training in all of these areas is available for qualified medical and graduate students by individual arrangement with the appropriate faculty member. A summary of the research interests of the department faculty is available at

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