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Minor in Economics

The minor in Economics has two main goals: to acquaint students with the rudiments of micro- and macroeconomic theory that are required of all majors; and to allow students to build competence in the application of this theory to two fields of economics of their choosing, and the opportunity to specialize further in any one of these fields by taking one additional advanced course in the Department of Economics.


  1. ECON 1A (5 units): micro and elementary economics.
  2. ECON 1B (5 units): macroeconomics. Prerequisite: ECON 1A.
  3. ECON 50 (5 units, grade of 'B' or better): basic price theory. Prerequisites: ECON 1A and MATH 51 (letter grade required).
  4. ECON 51 (5 units): intermediate microeconomics. Prerequisite: ECON 50.
  5. ECON 52 (5 units): intermediate macroeconomics. Prerequisites: ECON 50 and 1B.
  6. Two field courses (10 units; must be taken at Stanford in California) must be chosen from the following list: ECON 102A, 102B, 111, 115, 118, 126, 137, 140,* 141, 144, 145, 147, 149, 153, 157, 158, 160, 164, 165, 166, 169, 179.

*Students may not count units from both ECON 135 and 140 towards their minor as the courses are too similar in content.


If the candidate's major requires basic Economics courses (1A, 1B, 50, 51, 52), then only half of the units from those courses apply toward the economics minor. To attain the overall 35 units required by the minor, the student must take additional Economics courses numbered from 100 through 198 (excluding ECON 190 and 191).

At least 20 out of the 35 units for the minor must be taken at Stanford. Students must have completed all Stanford prerequisites for approved transfer credit courses in order to use those courses towards the Economics minor.

No courses receiving Department of Economics credit under the preceding requirements may be taken credit/no credit. A grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 or better must be received for all units applied toward the minor.

Students must complete their declaration of the minor no later than the last day of the preceding quarter before their degree conferral.

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