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Master of Arts in History

University requirements for the M.A. are described in the "Graduate Degrees" section of this bulletin.

The department requires the completion of nine courses (totaling not less than 45 units) of graduate work; seven courses of this work must be Department of History courses. Of the seven, one must be a seminar and four must be either graduate colloquia or graduate seminars. Directed reading may be counted for a maximum of 10 units. A candidate whose undergraduate training in history is deemed inadequate must complete nine courses of graduate work in the department. The department does not recognize for credit toward the M.A. degree any work that has not received the grade of 'A' or 'B.'

Terminal M.A. Program—Applicants who do not wish to continue beyond the M.A. degree are admitted to this program at the discretion of the faculty in individual fields (U.S., modern Europe, and so on). Students admitted may not apply to enter the Ph.D. program in History during the course of work for the M.A. degree.

M.A. in Teaching (History)—The department cooperates with the School of Education in offering the Master of Arts in Teaching degree. For the general requirements, see the "School of Education" section of this bulletin. For certain additional requirements made by the Department of History, contact the department office. Candidates must possess a teaching credential or relevant teaching experience.


Applicants for admission to graduate work must take the General Test of the Graduate Record Examination. It may be taken at most American colleges and in nearly all foreign countries. For details, see the Guide to Graduate Admission, available from Graduate Admissions, the Registrar's Office, 630 Serra Street, Suite 120, or at

Students admitted to graduate standing do not automatically become candidates for a graduate degree. With the exception of students in the terminal M.A. program, they are admitted with the expectation that they will be working toward the Ph.D. degree and may become candidates to receive the M.A. degree after completing three quarters of work.

The application filing deadline is December 7, 2011.

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