Committees and Panels Appointed by the President
University Committees are appointed by and are primarily responsible to the President. Such committees deal with matters on which the responsibility for recommendation or action is clearly diffused among different constituencies of the University. In accordance with the Report on the Committee Structure of the University, Academic Council members are appointed to University Committees on nomination of the Senate Committee on Committees and student members on nomination of the Associated Students of Stanford University (ASSU) Committee on Nominations. The President takes the initiative in the appointment of staff members to such committees. Although immediately responsible to the President, University Committees may be called upon to report to the Senate of the Academic Council or the ASSU. Charges to such committees are set by the President on recommendation of the Committee on Committees and others. There are five University Committees, as follows:
- Advisory Panel on Investment Responsibility and Licensing (APIR-L)
- Committee on Athletics, Physical Education, and Recreation (C-APER)
- Committee on Environmental Health and Safety (C-EH&S)
- Committee on Faculty Staff Human Resources (C-FSHR)
- Panel on Outdoor Art (P-OA)
Additionally there are eleven standing administrative panels which are appointed by the Vice Provost and Dean of Research, and which report through him/her to the President:
- Administrative Panel on Biosafety
- Administrative Panel on Human Subjects in Medical Research-01
- Administrative Panel on Human Subjects in Medical Research-03
- Administrative Panel on Human Subjects in Medical Research-04
- Administrative Panel on Human Subjects in Medical Research-05
- Administrative Panel on Human Subjects in Medical Research-06
- Administrative Panel on Human Subjects in Medical Research-07
- Administrative Panel on Human Subjects in Medical Research-08
- Administrative Panel on Human Subjects in Non-Medical Research-02
- Administrative Panel on Laboratory Animal Care
- Administrative Panel on Radiological Safety