Comparative Medicine
Chair: Sherril Green
Professors: Donna M. Bouley, Linda C. Cork, Sherril Green
Associate Professors: Paul Buckmaster, Corinna Darian-Smith, Joseph Garner, Shaul Hestrin
Assistant Professors: Megan Albertelli, Stephen Felt, Jennifer Johns, Claude Nagamine
Department Offices: Edwards Building, Room R321
Mail Code: 94305-5342
Phone: (650) 498-5080
Web Site:
Courses offered by the Department of Comparative Medicine are listed under the subject code COMPMED on the Stanford Bulletin's ExploreCourses web site.
The Department of Comparative Medicine is a clinical department that offers residency training in laboratory animal medicine for veterinarians. Its faculty offer courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Clinical faculty and basic science faculty in the Department of Comparative Medicine accept students to participate in research projects.
The discipline of Comparative Medicine studies the differences and similarities among species to elucidate biological and disease mechanisms.The research interests of faculty include neuroscience, infectious diseases, neuropathology, cancer, molecular genetics, and laboratory animal science.